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end video1) I'm proud to study the spirit of the Martial Arts.
2) I will practice couresy.
3) I will be quick to seize opportunity.
4) I will always practice patience.
5) I will always keep the fighting spirit within me.
6) I will block soft and hit hard.
7) I shall always believe that nothing is in impossible.
8) I shall always discard the bad.
9) I shall always keep the good.
10) I be loyal to myself, Martial Art, and Bushido.
11) I shall always be aware.
12) The essence of Martial Arts is speed.
13) Love is my law,
Truth is my worship,
Forms are my Meditation,
Conscience is my guide,
Peace is my shield,
Nature is my companion,
Order is my attitude,
Beauty and Perfection is my life,
14) My cause is to aid all people and mankind.
Back in the days..... their was an ethical code of conduct with the Samurai...I mean The Bushido way. It means"The of the Warrior" It was developed between the 11th to 14th centuries. It was and it is defined as a unique philosophy that was spread through out the warrior class. It was called " The Seven Virtues of the Samurai. so people call it the old coded or Te Bushido CodedGI: Rectitude.
The right decision, fair and Equal.
The ability to make the correct decisions with confidence, to be fair and equal towards all people no matter what color, race, gender, age, or
This Virtue means the ability to make a decision, respecting all equally.YUU: Courage or Valour.
This is someone who is progresses in the ranks and/or in their skills as they become more fluent and based on reflex. The person who gains confidence in themselves to know they can handle any situation that present itself.
This Virtue means the ability to handle any situation.JIN: Benevolence, Compassion and Generosity.
This is someone to be humble where someone is discouraged from using their new founded skills for bigotry and domination. This virtue works very well together with "Gi"
This Virtue is to prevent arrogance with in one's self.REI: The proper Behaviour, Courtesy and Respect.
This one makes the person to be aware of the principle of the Ying and Yang, one cannot exist without the other. It like the teacher cannot be a teacher without a student, there both are equal in the own right.
This Virtues is to have Respect for all.MAKOTO: Honesty, Honour and Moral.
This one is best described as " one must be honest to ones self before they can be honest with anyone else" Cheating and lying is an acceptance of failure and creates a false environment for self-person.
This Virtue is the ability to do things to the best of our ability.MEIYO: Success, Honour and Glory.
This follows the person as they become better within themselves. Honour, Success and Glory follow a positive attitude.
This Virtue is somewhat after, but only follows correct behaviour to oneself.CHUUGI: Devotion, Loyalty and Dedicated.
This is the foundation for all the virtues, without dedication, and loyalty to the task at hand, the desired outcome of oneself that cannot be achieved.
This Virtue means that it support all success and what we do in life.The style I teach is an open Martial Art Goju-ryuThe word Goju is comprised of two syllables, Go and Ju. Go, means hard. Ju, means soft. The concept of hard and soft manifests at several different, but integrated, levels. Itself, Goju is not limited by the tenets of Systems and Styles. Its' principles and concepts can be found in all Systems, yet go beyond all Styles. A fist is one example of hard, while an open hand is an example of soft. A straight line technique typifies hard and a circular techique typifies soft. These concepts are not different from the basis of Yin and Yang in that everything falls into the gradient between hard and soft ... circular strikes and straight line blocks, blocks with the fist and strikes with the open hand, aerobic and anaerobic, levels of muscular tension and/or relaxation all are manifestations of the marriage of hard and soft. The embodiment of these concepts in Goju are not static ideas. The vitality of Goju is found in the study of the "flow" of energy between hard and soft, in movement, between bodies, and in the mind as well. That old familiar, "I can't do it." being an example of a hardened mind.
There are probably nearly two dozen different Styles of Goju. USA Goju, Nisei Goju-Ryu. Chinese Goju, Japanese Goju, and Okinawan Goju Ryu styles. Goju-ryu Karate teaches the principles, concepts, and techniques of hard and soft [ StylesTraditionally the belt ranks below black belt are known as kyu ranks. They ascend by color from white to black. I use the following colors and order: all beginners are white belts [9th kyu], yellow belt [8th kyu], orange belt [7th kyu, green belt [6th kyu], blue belt [5th kyu], purple belt [4th kyu], red belt [3rd kyu], brown belt [2nd kyu], brown w/black stripe belt [1st kyu], 1st degree black belt [shodan].
Also like would like to add a couple of other things here that are somewhat unique to Goju-ryu. In the old days of Goju-Ryu; No one, that is to say kyu rank students, wears a colored belt. Everyone wears their original white belt until the earn their black. So they use to trained the new students in a grass field everyday. they would wash they clothing, They Gi but never wash they belts. It was forbidden to do such a thing. Also, there was formaly testing. A test is a formal ceremony. An instructor already knows the level and abilities of his students prior to any formal test. Challenges faced in class are each their own test. Skill comes with effort and tenure. Discipline and understanding develop out of perseverance. By the time a test is issued, the rank should already have been earned. One test a student must perform a kata as broads would break over different part of the body, like the head, foot, fist, what hands are in postion, and the back.How long does it take to get a black belt well... that depends on the student; but it typically takes about 4 years, training at least twice a week. I have known it to take as long as 6 years, and more.It is orientated towards real self-defense in a contemporary adult world. At my school; kids have to be at least 12 years old to train, except under unusual circumstances. It is my opinion, based on exerience, that kids below 12 are better off playing sports and kicking soccer balls and hitting baseballs with their friends than kicking and hitting their friends. Even in play, the techniques learned in martial arts classes can be extremely dangerous. But when a child loses control of his or her emotions and uses martial arts as a solution, it is much much worse. No injury is insignificant, at any age. While injuries in class are rare, it is the social interactions of life outside of the training hall where lapses occur. No child, even a bully, deserves to spend his life with a bad leg from having his knee kicked too hard, in or out of class, at age 8 or 9. I have heard of schools who take kids as young as 2; and have been asked to take kids that young myself. What does a 2 or 3 year old need to know about martial arts and discipline? With kids and martial arts I have found that it is usually the parents who need the discipline. It "trickles down" from them to their children.When people ask me this, my response is always immediate and the same. I tell them to look to how the instructor treats his students. I also caution people who are looking at training for the first time to be careful of those who try to mystify martial arts training as a way of gaining what I like to call "followship". Martial arts instruction should serve to help unravel the mysteries, of which there are plenty, not add to them. Trying to provide a living example of humility and confidence, patience and generosity, good health and strength, skill and power all within every minute is mystery enough.Start:
S Square
A Astounding
M Modern
U Unnatural
R Raw
A Astounding
I Irresistible
M Mystical
A Ambivalent
N Naughty
T Twisted
I Industrious
S Special
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Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate
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Stick Vs Sword Samurai Dual
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