Well... above alla I worship music... anything about it... then again, I love reading, writing, hanging out with my friends, meeting new people... playing with my adored cat... basically I have really a lot of interests but I'm too plain lazy to put the all here...
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
Those amazing people I already met and that were down to earth enough to spend some time with annoying me... for more details see my album "I'm with the band!" ;)also, some new people would be nice XD Nightwish (I adore Emppu, Marco and Jukka... Tuomas, I respect his music...), Within Temptation (I absolutely love Sharon!), Tarja Turunen, Angra, Wintersun, Ville Laihiala, Slayer, the guys from Mental Care Foundation I missed (ah, Lance autographed my Alcohol Anthems copy XD), Kim Goss (I respect her so much, she's a real woman!), Metallica, Alice Cooper, Dave Mustane, Wednesday 13, Murderdolls, Piggy D, Flinch, Negative, Sir Christus, Bloodpit, Matthau Mikojan, Jann Wilde and his merry fellows (old and new band :P), Heijaste, Private Line, Andrew W.K., Ozzy, David Bowie, the lovely Damaged Dolls and maaaaany many other musicians... As for my idols Queen I guess I would be too scared to meet them, that would show they are humans after all :P. I'd like to meet Freddie Mercury though, just to hug him and thank him, wherever he is, 'cause I owe him the person I am today. And also our beloved and missed Cliff, as he left us too soon. Dave Lepard, a shining star who burned himself out too fast... And with them many great people and musicians who could have give to music so much more.I'd also love to meet some film makers and directors, aswell as actors, and writers but I guess the list there is pretty too long... so that remains my little secret :pI'd love to meet J. R. R. Tolkien in the same mesure I'd like to meet Freddie, I also owe him much of my personality.I'd like to know Gandhi, cause he could teach me (and the world) a lot.I'd like to know many pople who live, and many who leaved, whose existance I'll never know, but still I'm happy I've met all the amazing people I crossed road in my life, 'cause from each one of them I learned something... (a real philosopher, am I not XD)
Queen are my first love, and I worship them above all... pointed that, my faves band are Sonata Arctica and NortheR. Other bands I adore and listen to are Crashdïet, Stratovarius, Children Of Bodom, Nightwish, Ensiferum, Mental Care Foundation, Lauri Porra, Slayer, Thine Eyes Bleed, Sinergy, Wintersun, all of Freddie Mercury and Roger Taylor solo projects, David Bowie, Elton John, Angra, Edguy, Within Temptation, Epica, Sentenced, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Megadeth, good ol' glam and sleaze... and I could go on for ages!! I'm sure I forgot someone vital though... XD
Almost Famous, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Moulin Rouge, all Star Treck movies, both of Star Wars trilogies, the Alien series,The Lord Of The Rings trilogy was also good... so sure I forgot plenty of them!!!
Basically I don't watch it... I tend to forget to! But I like House MD XD
Ah... my other love! Everything, but on top of them all, The Lord Of The Rings!
Freddie Mercury, Ghandi... I'll have to think for others, I know there are!