˜Enkeli˜Ja˜Perkele˜ the real vampyyri pähkinà profile picture

ËœEnkeliËœJaËœPerkeleËœ the real vampyyri pähkinÃ

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'M A WRITER FOR THE WEBZINE ZERO-TOLERANCE. If you're a band contacting me fora review in Zero-Tolerance webzine, send me a message for I'm very stricty about adding bands (and not only) here on myspace, and there are fat chances I won't add you if I don't manage to talk with samir first. It's not cause I'm a bitch, but I don't have time to sail thru all the request I get everyday, and you'll understand that I'll rather use the small free time I have to do something to relax and recharge my battery instead of living in front of a screen!
I am not A "Groupie".
"Groupies" sleep with rock stars because they want to be near someone famous.
I am here because of the music.
I am a Band Aid.
Band Aids don't have intercourse with these guys.
Band Aids support the music.
Band Aids inspire the music.
Band Aids are here because of the music.
They don't even know what is to be a fan. To truly love some silly piece of music or some band SO MUCH... that it hurts.
My motto? Life's an Hobby, dear!
"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious. take the side of the charming." O. Wilde (I agree with you, Oscar, dear!)
what to say about me... well, kinda hard, I have to admit, I hate to talk about myself... well, I'm a talkactive girl, I love above all things music, I can say it's my life, I've grown living in it! I'm permalous, childish at times, moody, always up for some mischief, or for a good laugh, I am cheeky, some say funny, sweet, friendly, sometime stubborn, always daydreaming, sincere, caring, loyal, unpredictable... see me thru the eyes of my friends!
how do I see me? one word... totally crazy... I seem impulsive, but I'm really a thinker, and I like, sometimes, to have my lone time, only me, my cat, my music, a good book, or maybe a pen and a few pages... and I completely suck at presenting myself!!! XD
so that's me... like it or not!
- MySpace Layouts
Norther Live @ Curium Metal Fest, 2/3/2007, Gloria, Helsinki... I was there!!!

My Interests

Well... above alla I worship music... anything about it... then again, I love reading, writing, hanging out with my friends, meeting new people... playing with my adored cat... basically I have really a lot of interests but I'm too plain lazy to put the all here... adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

Those amazing people I already met and that were down to earth enough to spend some time with annoying me... for more details see my album "I'm with the band!" ;)also, some new people would be nice XD Nightwish (I adore Emppu, Marco and Jukka... Tuomas, I respect his music...), Within Temptation (I absolutely love Sharon!), Tarja Turunen, Angra, Wintersun, Ville Laihiala, Slayer, the guys from Mental Care Foundation I missed (ah, Lance autographed my Alcohol Anthems copy XD), Kim Goss (I respect her so much, she's a real woman!), Metallica, Alice Cooper, Dave Mustane, Wednesday 13, Murderdolls, Piggy D, Flinch, Negative, Sir Christus, Bloodpit, Matthau Mikojan, Jann Wilde and his merry fellows (old and new band :P), Heijaste, Private Line, Andrew W.K., Ozzy, David Bowie, the lovely Damaged Dolls and maaaaany many other musicians... As for my idols Queen I guess I would be too scared to meet them, that would show they are humans after all :P. I'd like to meet Freddie Mercury though, just to hug him and thank him, wherever he is, 'cause I owe him the person I am today. And also our beloved and missed Cliff, as he left us too soon. Dave Lepard, a shining star who burned himself out too fast... And with them many great people and musicians who could have give to music so much more.I'd also love to meet some film makers and directors, aswell as actors, and writers but I guess the list there is pretty too long... so that remains my little secret :pI'd love to meet J. R. R. Tolkien in the same mesure I'd like to meet Freddie, I also owe him much of my personality.I'd like to know Gandhi, cause he could teach me (and the world) a lot.I'd like to know many pople who live, and many who leaved, whose existance I'll never know, but still I'm happy I've met all the amazing people I crossed road in my life, 'cause from each one of them I learned something... (a real philosopher, am I not XD)


Queen are my first love, and I worship them above all... pointed that, my faves band are Sonata Arctica and NortheR. Other bands I adore and listen to are Crashdïet, Stratovarius, Children Of Bodom, Nightwish, Ensiferum, Mental Care Foundation, Lauri Porra, Slayer, Thine Eyes Bleed, Sinergy, Wintersun, all of Freddie Mercury and Roger Taylor solo projects, David Bowie, Elton John, Angra, Edguy, Within Temptation, Epica, Sentenced, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Megadeth, good ol' glam and sleaze... and I could go on for ages!! I'm sure I forgot someone vital though... XD


Almost Famous, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Moulin Rouge, all Star Treck movies, both of Star Wars trilogies, the Alien series,The Lord Of The Rings trilogy was also good... so sure I forgot plenty of them!!!


Basically I don't watch it... I tend to forget to! But I like House MD XD


Ah... my other love! Everything, but on top of them all, The Lord Of The Rings!


Freddie Mercury, Ghandi... I'll have to think for others, I know there are!

My Blog

Titolo: 2008, odissea in camera di marta...

sottotitolo: alla ricerca della carta d'identità dispersa.svolgimento:h. 8: sveglia. non ho voglia. mi giro dall'altra parte.h. 9:56: squilla il telefono. fanculo. non sono ancora le dieci. io non ris...
Posted by ÜEnkeliÜJaÜPerkeleÜ the real vampyyri pähkinähiiri on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 02:58:00 PST

globuli rossi londinesi...

si premette che almeno la sottoscritta ha una grande stima di london... e anche isa in fondo del bene gli vuole, anche se non lo ammetterebbe mai :Ppoi chi mi conosce sa che piàù voglio bene a qualcun...
Posted by ÜEnkeliÜJaÜPerkeleÜ the real vampyyri pähkinähiiri on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 07:57:00 PST

Acida come lo yogurt scaduto XD

Isa insinua che io non sia una persona dolce e carina... XDin fondo non mi sento di darle torto però :P(S)black_queen(li)MadBadAndDangerousToKnow(li)sweet_selene (S)...and a voice it whispers "hello, m...
Posted by ÜEnkeliÜJaÜPerkeleÜ the real vampyyri pähkinähiiri on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 07:54:00 PST

scene di ordinaria follia notturna...

marta: sai che non potrò mai vedere un baiocco in vita mia senza ridere?isa: baiocco camicia culo culo camicia baiocco ciliegia pezzo di ferro calamita lattinamarta: cavalloisa: baiocco... sai che pot...
Posted by ÜEnkeliÜJaÜPerkeleÜ the real vampyyri pähkinähiiri on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 06:19:00 PST

i bambini degli 80...

Una mia vecchia amica mi ha mandato questa mail... quanta nostalgia!Questa poesia è dedicata a tutti quelli ke sono stati bambini degli anni 80... Nel periodo in cui si poteva fare tutto... vi ricorda...
Posted by ÜEnkeliÜJaÜPerkeleÜ the real vampyyri pähkinähiiri on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 12:13:00 PST

i miei due penny...

stavo rispondendo ad un post su un forum, e mi sono trovata a dire cose che non credevo avrei mai rivelato con così tanto candore. e ho visto che scrivendole mi sembravano sempre più "vere" e che da u...
Posted by ÜEnkeliÜJaÜPerkeleÜ the real vampyyri pähkinähiiri on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 03:52:00 PST

la confessione di berlusconi

> > LA CONFESSIONE DI SILVIO BERLUSCONI (DA LEGGERE ATTENTAMENTE!!)> > Berlusconi: 'Signor parroco, mi vorrei confessare> > > > Parroco: 'Certo figliolo, qual'è il tuo nome?'> > > > Berlusconi: 'Silv...
Posted by ÜEnkeliÜJaÜPerkeleÜ the real vampyyri pähkinähiiri on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 05:33:00 PST

Tutti i miei test fino ad oggi...

... li sposto qui, ho deciso di cambiare un po' il profilo, alleggerirlo e soprattutto accorciarlo XD What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)Updatedcreated with QuizFarm.com You scored as My...
Posted by ÜEnkeliÜJaÜPerkeleÜ the real vampyyri pähkinähiiri on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 01:24:00 PST

«Grazie alla città che mi ha adottato»

A Roma andai la prima volta nel 1933: ero un ragazzino e fu un premio perché mi ero distinto in una materia inconsueta: la religione. Milano, per me, era ancora più lontana.La mia idea era quella di u...
Posted by ÜEnkeliÜJaÜPerkeleÜ the real vampyyri pähkinähiiri on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 11:03:00 PST

10 cose su di me che forse non tutti sanno

dunque, ispirata da lola mi sono data all'autoanalisi in un bullettin talemnte ungo che mi spiaceva lasciare andare perduto, ergo, DOPPIA COPIA!!!un'occasione per sapere cose su di me di cui raramente...
Posted by ÜEnkeliÜJaÜPerkeleÜ the real vampyyri pähkinähiiri on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 09:45:00 PST