Roby C. DJ &Responsible Cathouse Italy RnR Pro profile picture

Roby C. DJ &Responsible Cathouse Italy RnR Pro

vivi ogni giorno della tua vita come fosse l'ultimo...

About Me

QUESTO PROGETTO, LA COMMUNITY DEL CATHOUSE DA OGGI E' E SARA' SEMPRE DEDICATA ALL'UNICO GRANDE E VERO AMICO E FRATELLO CHE ABBIA MAI AVUTO. EMILIO. RIPOSA IN PACE, LA TUA MEMORIA RIMARRA' INDELEBILE NELLA MIA MENTE...E CAMMINERAI SEMPRE CON ME******************************************************** I'm a Rocker.RESPONSIBLE / FONDEUR of Cathouse RnR Project Italy -- ROCKERS COMMUNITY...and also (DJ, journalist, writer, photo-reporter, manage events).This is my project. FIRST & ONLY ROCKERS COMMUNITY in ITALYIf you want please visit WWW.CATHOUSE.IT ******************************************************** La prima cosa....quello che viene prima di tutto, prima dell'amore, delle donne, dei soldi, del potere, della vanità, è il PROPRIO CREDO ED IL PROPRIO IDEALE.NULLA E NESSUNO può cambiartelo o distruggertelo come tutte le cose materiali. L'ideale ed il credo in qualcosa supera gli ostacoli terreni, supera le barriere e rende più forti. Forti DENTRO: essere in questa condizione è basilare per sopravvivere e fare sopravvivere i nostri cari. Non esiste il 'porgere l'altra guancia', pochè chi ti ha già dato lo schiaffo...te lo darà ancora. Non esistono queste cose. Esiste solo l'uomo nella sua misera e vulnerabile forma. Chi si crede invulnerabile e forte è...UN VERO PERDENTE: bisogna lottare sempre, e tutto viene dopo, tutto!! TUTTO. Difendi il tuo ideale e il tuo credo sempre e contro chiunque. NESSUNO potrà mai usurpare questa tua linea di pensiero che, dovrebbe, divenire anche una linea di vita.La vita devi combatterla non subirla.Stay rock sempre!!!Roby Comanducci ******************************************************** …ONLY THE ANIMAL HAVE RESPECT & LOVE SENSIBILITY.....!!


boldness, courage, loyaltythe power of animals:LOVE & RESPECTthe TIGER!!!! *************************************************

Dear everybody...this is one of my article...probably, my favourite!! Roby Comanducci..." ************************************************* "The eyes of the...tiger"The will of moving on. You all know that you have to avoid going with the flow, don't let people control you, don't let the facts of life control you; you have to fight, you have to be a tiger not a prey. The world is full of preys, this is what I see nowadays. I think I know some tigers, but they live in their own world, they don't come here cos if they'd do it would be a mess! Tigers don't go with the flow, they break schemes and rules. In this moment of my life I feel like I've lot of things to think about, I've made up my mind: I'm probabily talking about the most important decisions of my humble life; and my life could be humble but at least it's not full of self-pity and pessimism ( Let it be good companion for romantic poets and for the ones that like to live along with it); my life is about inner strenght, rage and maybe- you may say- a bit of malice. What's wrong with that? We hear people describing themselves as kind, generous but they are just fake and hypocritical.I'm not like that, I'm a beast, so what? I don't say animal 'cos I would offend animals that are the best creatures living in this planet. We can't turn the world upside down also because we have to follow certain rules. Jelousy, envy, malice are the main features of this world along with fake friends, stupid trends, tv and media, fake love, and all these things together make life suck. Everybody writes about these subjects? Who cares, I want to do it too, this is my opinion. You all talk about love and friendship. I can't even look into other people's eyes, or better I do look but I can't find anything into them. Sometimes I wish I was an animal, with great instinct and respect for others and for myself. Probabily inside of me I know I'm not a human being but something else...I don' t know who will endure to follow me from now on, you have to be tigers, you have to be noble and strong as this animal: be fierce and be able to attack before been attacked because we are all trying to survive. And still there are some little communities in this world where you can breathe love and happiness! I think I'd like to go and meet these people, just to talk,to explain them my point of view. As I look at myself in the mirror I can see a weird 40 years old guy.Probabily I wasn't meant to live in this period and in this world.Is it a question? No, I think it's more an answer. The other night I watched a movie " Two brothers", it's about two tiger should watch it, it's just amazing. You will just understand what I mean when I talk about respect, loyalty,humbleness and pride. I would like to be a tiger, I always tried to be one. Maybe one day I'll reach this goal. ************************************************* Roby Comanducci PRESIDENT & FONDEUR of CATHOUSE ITALY R'n'R Project ROCKERS COMMUNITY ***********************************************Roby Comanducci Cathouse Italy Rockers Community MY FRIENDS, honour & respect!


please see our best fuckin' CATHOUSE hot'n'roll party!!

Cathouse la colonna sonora dei 3gg della Tattoo Convention

My Interests

I've interest to rock'n'roll************************************************* * My personal little commandment... • HONOUR • RESPECT • IDEAL • PASSION • REVENGE • STRENGTH • FAITH • LOYALTY • PRIDE • HUMILITY Everybody can destroy your material project but... nobody destroy your faith in your ideal!! Fight for your honour, your passion with strength and humility and let’s the bastard live their fuckin’ life. I know that a lot of people think that these words are stupid and silly: FUCK! This is my philosophy. Rock isn’t only music… it’s also lifestyle. Some people like raw meat…Me too!!! Stay rock…with love & respect! Roby Comanducci Cathouse Italy RnR Project ***********************

I'd like to meet:

all people that love rock and love animal ...I have 2 beautiful cats


HARD ROCK - STREET/GLAM ROCK - BLUES ROCK - R'N'R -NWOBHM - ********************** My favourites: best Rocker & Musician: TED NUGENT Vocalist: Glenn Hughes Guitars: Ted Nugent (Randy Rhoads- RIP) Bass: Billy Sheehan Keys: John Lord Drums: Tommy Aldridge (Cozy Powell - RIP)Top albums of my personal collection:KANSAS: ‘In The Spirit Of Things’ ROXANNE: ‘Roxanne’ ALEX MASI: ‘Downtown Dreamers’ RONNIE MONTROSE: ‘The Speed Of Sound’ MOTLEY CRUE: ‘Theatre Of Pain’ TED NUGENT: ‘If You Can’t Lick Em…’ GARY MOORE: ‘Wild Frontier’ MARTY FRIEDMAN: ‘Introduction’ MEGADETH: ‘Peace Sells…’ ZZ TOP: ‘Afterburner’ ACDC : ‘If You Wan’t Blood…’ JOE SATRIANI: ‘Surfing With The Alien’ VAN HALEN: ‘I’ JOHNNY WINTER: ‘Second Winter’ LONDON: ‘Don’t Cry Wolf’ WHITESNAKE: ‘Live In The Heart Of the City’ AEROSMITH: ‘Permanent Vacation’ METALLICA: ‘Master of Puppets’ FASTER PUSSYCAT: ‘Faster Pussycat’ THE CULT: ‘Sonic Temple’ CELIC FROST: ‘Into The Pandemonium’ DEEP PURPLE: ‘Made In Japan’ LED ZEPPELIN: ‘IV’ BLACK SABBATH: ‘Heaven and Hell’ STEVE STEVENS: ‘Atomic Playboys’ TESLA: ‘Mechanical Resonance’ NEW YORK DOLLS: ‘NYD’ & ‘Too Much Too Soon’ GREAT WHITE: ‘Once Bitten’ LYNYRD SKYNYRD: ‘Second Helping’ VARGA: ‘Varga’ FAITH NO MORE: ‘’The Real Thing’ QUEENSRYCHE: ‘Rage For Order’ PINK FLOYD: ‘The Dark Side of The Moon’ RIOT: ‘Fire Down Under’ SKID ROW: ‘Skid Row’ JEFF BECK: ‘Guitar Shop’ JOURNEY: ‘Frontiers’ EUROPE: ‘The Final Countdown’ JIMI HENDRIX: ‘Are You Experienced?’Some excellent and immortal ‘love song’: ‘Rainmaker’ from KANSAS: ‘In The Spirit Of Things’ ‘The Loner’ single from GARY MOORE ‘Wild Frontiers’ ‘Child in Time’ from DEEP PURPLE ‘In Rock’ ‘Starway to Heaven’ from LED ZEPPELIN ‘IV’ ‘Ain’t No Love In The heart Of the City’ from WHITESNAKE ‘ The Heart…’ ‘November Rain’ from GUNS’N’ROSES ‘Use Your Illusion I’ ‘Missing You’ from JOHN WAITE ‘No Brakes’ ‘Save Your Love’ from GREAT WHITE ‘Once Bitten’ ‘Changes’ from TESLA ‘Mechanical Resonance’ ‘Love Bites’ from DEF LEPPARD ‘Hysteria’clikka : the best album (personal opinion, obviously)



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My Blog

un piccolo pensiero....

Spesso agiamo nell'intenzione e con la convinzione di fare bene. Sovente questo nostro comportamento viene recepito ed assorbito dal prossimo con una leggera distorsione della realtà effettiva dei fat...
Posted by Roby C. DJ &Responsible Cathouse Italy RnR Project on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 03:19:00 PST


..> ..> CATHOUSE present****************************MISS CATHOUSE 2008****************************sabato 8 Marzo @ Zoe.torna il nostro concorsoda questo sabato 16 febbraio (allo Zoe -sala Cathous...
Posted by Roby C. DJ &Responsible Cathouse Italy RnR Project on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 01:59:00 PST

Soffri...e capirai...

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Posted by Roby C. DJ &Responsible Cathouse Italy RnR Project on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 10:24:00 PST


..> CATHOUSE PLAYLIST: THE BEST OF MUSIC 2007 beneAncora Buon Anno a tutti Voi,Come oramai è di abitudine ecco pubblicato sul nostro sito la nostra POOL con le nostre playlist iner...
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"Il Male creato...

'il male creato...' Ieri sera ero molto stanco, troppo, esageratamente. Ma dopo avere lavorato al computer, dopo aver preparato alcune cosette per la prossima serata in discoteca e altro ancora sono...
Posted by Roby C. DJ &Responsible Cathouse Italy RnR Project on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 04:16:00 PST

" La forza del Grande Blues"

La forza del grande blues rock è incontenibile. Io sono cresciuto con l'hard rock e il blues...sin da quando ero ragazzino. Una forza che viene dal di dentro, che non ha bisogno di chiedere 'permesso'...
Posted by Roby C. DJ &Responsible Cathouse Italy RnR Project on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 10:17:00 PST

Cathouse Anniversary: the day after....a little review

CATHOUSE SEVEN YEARS ANNIVERSARY: CRYSTAL PISTOL + DUST IN EYES live @ Zoe Club 6 ottobre 2007 (Milano) Non dovrei farla io questa sorta di recensione ma&tantè, sono qui davanti al pc a navigare ed ...
Posted by Roby C. DJ &Responsible Cathouse Italy RnR Project on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 12:40:00 PST

il numero 7.

Dicono che il 7 è il numero perfetto. Dicono anche che il 6 è quello satanico. Io, personalmente, non credo ad entrambi. Credo che ognuno debba identificare in un simbolo, una cifra, un singolo numer...
Posted by Roby C. DJ &Responsible Cathouse Italy RnR Project on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 09:01:00 PST

falsi profeti

Falsi profeti che predicate solamente false parole, false intenzioni, falsi ideali sappiate....sappiate che per predicare il giusto bisogna averlo vissuto. Il sangue che schizza da un taglio profondo...
Posted by Roby C. DJ &Responsible Cathouse Italy RnR Project on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 02:23:00 PST

"la cosa più assurda...."

La cosa più assurda, ma anche 'povera', che una persona possa fare è quella di credere di essere qualcosa di speciale non essendolo. Spesso siamo egoisti e ci crogioliamo nel nostro io interiore, ci ...
Posted by Roby C. DJ &Responsible Cathouse Italy RnR Project on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 09:04:00 PST