Dear everybody...this is one of my article...probably, my favourite!!
Roby Comanducci..."
"The eyes of the...tiger"The will of moving on. You all know that you have to avoid going with the flow, don't let people control you, don't let the facts of life control you;
you have to fight, you have to be a tiger not a prey. The world is full of preys, this is what I see nowadays. I think I know some tigers, but they live in their own world, they don't come here cos if they'd do it would be a mess! Tigers don't go with the flow, they break schemes and rules. In this moment of my life I feel like I've lot of things to think about, I've made up my mind: I'm probabily talking about the most important decisions of my humble life; and my life could be humble but at least it's not full of self-pity and pessimism ( Let it be good companion for romantic poets and for the ones that like to live along with it); my life is about inner strenght, rage and maybe- you may say- a bit of malice.
What's wrong with that? We hear people describing themselves as kind, generous but they are just fake and hypocritical.I'm not like that, I'm a beast, so what? I don't say animal 'cos I would offend animals that are the best creatures living in this planet. We can't turn the world upside down also because we have to follow certain rules. Jelousy, envy, malice are the main features of this world along with fake friends, stupid trends, tv and media, fake love, and all these things together make life suck.
Everybody writes about these subjects? Who cares, I want to do it too, this is my opinion. You all talk about love and friendship. I can't even look into other people's eyes, or better I do look but I can't find anything into them. Sometimes I wish I was an animal, with great instinct and respect for others and for myself. Probabily inside of me I know I'm not a human being but something else...I don' t know who will endure to follow me from now on, you have to be tigers, you have to be noble and strong as this animal: be fierce and be able to attack before been attacked because we are all trying to survive.
And still there are some little communities in this world where you can breathe love and happiness! I think I'd like to go and meet these people, just to talk,to explain them my point of view. As I look at myself in the mirror I can see a weird 40 years old guy.Probabily I wasn't meant to live in this period and in this world.Is it a question? No, I think it's more an answer. The other night I watched a movie " Two brothers", it's about two tiger puppies...you should watch it, it's just amazing. You will just understand what I mean when I talk about respect, loyalty,humbleness and pride. I would like to be a tiger, I always tried to be one. Maybe one day I'll reach this goal.
Roby Comanducci PRESIDENT & FONDEUR of
***********************************************Roby Comanducci
Cathouse Italy Rockers Community
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