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Leonardo DaVinci, Norman Rockwell, Frank Frazetta, Jimi Hendrix, Bugs Bunny, and my in-utero twin that flushed away into the plumbing towards the end of the first trimester.
Take The Night Off (Music Video)
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Lord of the Rings (Before the movies, I have two Tolkein tats dating back to 1997), John Carter of Mars books (old sci-fi) and the Tarzan books, both by Edgar Rice Borroughs, The Count of Monte Cristo,The Three Musketeers, The Last of the Mohicans, Devil in a Blue Dress, The Maltese Falcon, and anything by Raymond Chandler and Tim Dorsey (sick, funny, mystery stories told from the perspective of a lovable mass murderer.)
William Wallace, the first American before there was an America, H.R. Giger for successfully painting what he wanted to paint, Mark Zupan, the quadraplegic rugby player, because he took an awful situation, dealt with it and became one of the biggest bad asses in Murderball without losing his sense of humor.And the all the soldiers, cops and firefighters through the history of this country that sacrifice and have sacrificed so much to keep my happy ass free and safe. May the politicians die horrible suffering deaths for not protecting the freedom these men and women have died for.