♥ mel ♥ profile picture

♥ mel ♥

I DO IT SPANISH 25 year old Hamburg/Granada/Malaga Germany

About Me

&clubs &clubs &clubs
&hearts &hearts &hearts Viva ESPAÑA &hearts &hearts &hearts
Alzad los brazos, hijos del pueblo español, que vuelve a resurgir. Gloria a la Patria que supo seguir , sobre el azul del mar el camino del sol.

&hearts &hearts &hearts Triunfa ESPAÑA &hearts &hearts &hearts
Los yunques y las ruedas cantan al compás del himno de la fe. Juntos cantemos de pie la vida , nueva y fuerte de trabajo y paz.

&hearts &hearts &hearts Viva ESPAÑA &hearts &hearts &hearts
Alzad los brazos, hijos del pueblo español, que vuelve a resurgir. Gloria a la Patria que supo seguir , sobre el azul del mar el camino del sol.

&hearts &hearts &hearts Triunfa ESPAÑA &hearts &hearts &hearts
Los yunques y las ruedas cantan al compás del himno de la fe. Juntos cantemos de pie la vida , nueva y fuerte de trabajo y paz.

&clubs &clubs &clubs
check it - join it - enjoy it
Mail at:
[email protected]
&clubs &clubs &clubs
Reggaeton is...
...dembow &hearts blin blin &hearts caliente mi pasión &hearts vida urban &hearts lo mejor musica Puerto Rico &hearts tiraera latin perreo sandungueo &hearts gasolina la calle &hearts cultura rico &clubs bachaton fiesta &clubs romantiqueo Republica Dominicana party &hearts chicos rankiao &hearts hot booty shaking chula playa rumba isla &clubs brugal ron cocktail &hearts vacilón calor &clubs mamisongabaile culo &hearts gatitasexy &hearts dancing &clubs el jefe fuego la vieja escuela sol obra maestra &clubs historia latinos &hearts atrevido mamajuana sensación &hearts creative jangueo cultura barrio &clubs Cuba &hearts pride voltaje &hearts summer los tigueres salsaton &hearts los anormales corrillo &hearts pure divertido duro &clubs bailoteo disco &clubs Panama flow callejero &hearts pegao lirical &clubs elegant sentimiento janguiar coraje &hearts ritmo &hearts real versatil &hearts comunicación papi chulo &hearts vacilar alto calibre
español & spanglish but never english !!!

&clubs &clubs &clubs
&clubs &clubs &clubs

My Interests

Spanish girl is:

adventurous &clubs ambitious &hearts amazing
altruistic &hearts astounding brilliant
bewitching &hearts beautiful
charming &hearts cheeky cute considerate &clubs crazy
delicious &clubs delightful decent &hearts enchanting
excellent &clubs elegant emotional enthusiastic
extreme &hearts friendly &hearts faithful
famous &hearts freaky glamarous &hearts glorious godlike
gifted &hearts hot hip
humorous happy &hearts heavenly
honest &hearts intelligent irresistible&clubs imaginative
insightfully &clubs impassioned juicy jocose &hearts likable
loyal &hearts lucky magical &hearts marvelous nice naughty
natural &clubs outgoing openhearted
overwhelming &hearts optimistic
passionate &clubs peachy proud romantic &hearts responsible
spirited &hearts spanish settled &clubs sweet sensitive sexy
tender tasty &clubs tolerant tough &hearts unique
unforgettable versatile &hearts wonderful wise ...


&clubs &clubs &clubs

the haters. the assholes. the people out to get you. the people that cheat you. the people who pretend to be your friend. those who are purposely rude. those who purposely lie.the hypocritical. the greedy. the deceiving. the people who dont appreciate you.
&clubs &clubs &clubs
when people you dont even know hate on you then you know
you are

cause wise gurl knows her limits. but g r e a t g u r l knows she has none!!!&clubs &clubs &clubs


Three Things
Three things that scare me:
1 horror films
2 insects
3 thunder
Three people who make me laugh:
1 my best friend
2 my brother
3 Doug & Carrie & "Arther"
Three Things I love:
1 choclate
2 music
3 spain
Three Things I hate:
1 rain
2 coca cola
3 get up early in the morning
Three things I don't understand:
1 all about tecnics
2 all about maths
3 all about chemics
Three things on my desk:
1 my glass of juice
2 my handy
3 my lipstick
Three things I'm doing right now:
1 writing
2 thinking
3 listening to some music
Three things I want to do before I die:
1 travel to aisa
2 have three kids
3 win the lottery
Three things I can do:
1 dance
2 cook
3 love
Three ways to describe my personality:
1 lovely
2 happily
3 honest
Three things I can't do:
1 stop talking for more than 5 min : )
2 be quiet while watching tv
3 driving a car : ))


first when i have been asked to put that banner up on my page i was like hmmm what will peoples think about me then, and i guess thats exactly whats going through most of our minds, cause its so much easier to close eyes instead of helping people who really need some. and then i decided to place the banner and give some support to Petra Luna and her project against abuse. maybe nobody cares about what happen to strangers or to people we dont know personal, but what when it happens to someone who is really close to us? i have been thinking about it for a while and i came to the result it can easily happen to everyone, even to yourself, your mother, your sister, your daughter, your best friend and the list might be longer. many of us not even become aware of what is going on in front of us, so how could it be possible to realize what maybe is going on next door? so posting the banner on my side didnt cost me anything but it showes very clear my point of view!
