♣ TrAcI ♣ profile picture

♣ TrAcI ♣

a new cavity moved into my heart today

About Me

A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous
WelL FiRsT AnD FoR ThE MoSt PaRt I ♥ MuSiC!!!!! NoThIn Much ElSe Makes Me HaPpIer ThAn To tUrn On OnE Of My FaVoRiTe SoNgS AnD JaMmIn OuT!!! SecOnDlY I GoT MaD ♥ FoR My FaMiLy CuZ ThEy ArE ThE OnLy oNes I GoT!! !!!I LoVe To LaUgh!!!! i'll LaUgH As LoUd As I CaN ...I DoN'T CaRe!!!! I lovE To Go OuT AnD ExPeRiEnCe LiFe .......BuT SoMeTiMeS It GeTs Me IntO TRoUbLe....AcTuAlLy AlOt Of ThE TiMe It GeTs Me InTo TrOuBlE....TrOuBlE ShOuLd Be My MiDdle NaMe!!! BuT O WeLl If It DoEsN'T KiLl Me It WiLl OnLy MaKe Me StrOnNgEr AnD SoMeTiMeS YoU HaVe To LeaRn fRoM YoUr MiStaKeS.....RIgHt??? I hAvE gOoD dAyS aLoNnG wItH mY bAd DaYS,i jUsT dO wHaT i ThInK iS rIgHt , I'm PrEtTy OpEn mInDeD aAnD lIkE tO hEaR wHaT pEoPlE hAvE tO ThInK AnD SaY, AnD i liKe To sAy wHaTs oN mY mInD ,BuT i AlwaYs KeEp iN mInd "to each thier own", i LoVe tO cHilL oR gO oUt aNd PaRtY, It NeVeR rEaLly ,MaTtErS bEcAuSe i AlwaAys eNd uP hAvInG gOoD tiMe, i'M a LiBra sO i aM pReTtY mUcH aLwAys At hApPy mEdiUm., i LoVe tAttoos aNd pEaRcInGs...i oNly haVe oNe tAttoo bUt i deSpErAtely wAnt MoRe...bUt i cAn't aFFord iT riGht cUz i hAvE to MaNy fiNes tO pAy!I aM a hOpEleSs rOmAntic, I HaVe HaD My HeaRt BrOKen MaNy TiMes iTs mAdE mE lItTlE jAdEd bUt LikE aLl WouNds WiTh tImE tHey wIll hEal. So aS FoR nOw I jUsT ChiLl WiTh mY fRiEnDs EnJoY LiFe aNd haVe a gOod tiMe!!!!!!!!
The Tooth Puller
People Iced: Forty
Car Bombs Planted: Nineteen
Favorite Weapon Stilletto
Arms Broken: Seven
Eyes Gouged: Five
Tongues Cut Off: Twelve
Biggest Enemy: The Knee Bender
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You're an Passionate Kisser
For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble What Kind of Kisser Are You?

GoOd ByE KiSsEs

I'd like to meet:

What kind of jewel are you?
Your beauty is both breathtaking and stunning. Your friends could see you everyday and still be enchanted.

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Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent

Email: [email protected]

ThE CoVeR Up

bob marely the bled a perfect circle the beatles

the fugees tears for fears opiate for the masses poisn the well sneaker pimps

nine inch nails snot sevendust the used portished denali garbage bionic jive

hed p.e. nirvana bush deftones

deltron hoobastank incubus

greenday korn

system of a down glassjaw

Myspace Graphics - Hilarious Videos

bouncing souls my chemical romace reggie and the full effect


thrusady taking back sunday

first to last authority zero

Lydia 4banger AFI foofighters kottonmouthkings as i lay dying Muse Atreyu Head Automatica

hot hot heat story of the year Afrika bambataa 30seconds to mars

Sensesfail Killswitch engage coheed and cambriaThe cure Wallflowers


half baked donnie darko blow cool running four rooms trainspoting black sheep billy madison dude wheres my car volcano pcu BASEketball orgazmo


I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !


My Blog


I don't understand alot of things in life. But the one thing that i don't understand the most is feelings. And the crazy thing is supposedly we controll our feelings..and with positve and negitve infu...
Posted by ♣ TrAcI ♣ on Thu, 31 May 2007 11:01:00 PST

post a memory of me

Post a memory of me... Please post your comments! "If you read this, even if i dont speak to you often, you must post a memory of me. It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad, just s...
Posted by ♣ TrAcI ♣ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST