What it means to me.
You hear it all the time.
But do you really know what it means?
To me, P.L.U.R. is more then just an acronym, it's a way of life.
P.L.U.R. means, peace, love, unity, respect.
To live your life by the code of the raver, is to know true happiness.
Once you can learn to appreciate the simple things in life, you will know euphoria.
Peaceful and real is the way I live my life.
I love everyone I know and want to show the world that love exists.
I'm united with those around me. I'm in tune with what people are doing.
I respect others choices.
I hope to one day be recognized globally as a sign of Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect.
-Upcoming events-
Hi, I'm Arne Daze, Giver of Love, Taker of Sadness. I stand for PLUR. I'm living the life I want to. I have friends that care for me, and a family that cares too. I have awesome music all the time, and I try to go to shows when I can. I'm currently working as a promoter/booking agent for most of Duluth Minnesota. I currently reside with my mom, and step-dad. When I'm not staying with them, I venture to the Raverhouse.
Lately, I've been trying to explore music and art. I really like ambient music, so if you have any suggestions on artists, albums, or songs, I'd love to hear from you.
I like to give advice, so if you need some, hit me up. But please, don't ask about profile help. If you need that, check out Google.com.
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Something original.
Foreign films.
Anything with a plot.
Gay novels.
Love stories.
G-Rant;; Without you, I dunno what I'd do.
Feralyn;; You're always here for me.
Sara;; You've never done me wrong.
Becca;; You're amazing, and mean a lot to me.
Arne Daze [Giver of love taker of sadness â„¢]'s Details
Not sure
Here for: Helping people
Body type:
5' 9" / Slim / Slender
Zodiac Sign:
Children: Undecided
Education: In high school
Income: None.
Arne Daze [Giver of love taker of sadness â„¢]'s Signs