Hetty profile picture


Cause, you grab it..... and you've got it!

About Me

My name is Heather. But my friends and my peeps at HMV call me Hetty. I have a namebadge, I HAVE A NAMEBADGE! AND IT SAYS HETTY!

People'd tell you that I'm a bit odd. And they'd be right.
I hail from Nottingham, but I thought it was a bit shit there, so I moved to Huddersfield to live with my good man Ol. He is one big chunk of man hunk.
I work in HMV where I'm Head of Technology. Yeah bitch.
I'm having a bash at college again, and doing A level Maths, and A level ICT.... fun! Haha.
I very much like the music genre of METAL. It makes me happy and strong and confident and good.
My life is pretty much full of work, college, and eating waffles on a Saturday. Someone talk to me, make me laugh, and I'll tell you about my dad that looks like Harrison Ford.

My Interests

I have to say I quite like:
⊗ My fantastic amazing wonderful gorgeous fella Ol♥ .
⊗ Art.
⊗ Music.
⊗ Ebay.
⊗ Waterfalls.
⊗ Travelling.
⊗ Fields.
⊗ Festivals/Small gigs.
⊗ Band tees for girls.
⊗ Oriental... stuff.
⊗ TEA.
⊗ Star Trek.
⊗ Walking by the sea at 3am (good memory yum).
⊗ Free stuff!
⊗ Thunder and lightning (fucking epic!).
⊗ Singing. And acting.
⊗ Putting on accents and making animal noises.

And I definately do not like: ⊗ Arguing.
⊗ Being ignored.
⊗ When people take the piss out of you.
⊗ Tastless stodgy food.
⊗ People cracking their knuckles.
⊗ Being cold.
⊗ Periods.
⊗ Phone calls.
⊗ Woodlice.
⊗ Insensitive, inconsiderate, and ignorant people, who refuse to attempt to understand.
⊗ Weather.
⊗ Crossing a bridge over water.
⊗ The smell of my farts.
⊗ Sheila's bloody Wheels.
⊗ NCT buses in Nottingham.
⊗ The phrase "At the end of the day..."
⊗ Aches and pains :(
⊗ Religion.
⊗ Confusion.
⊗ Tops that are tight around my neck.
⊗ Any footwear other than boots.
⊗ Fucking chavs on the bus playing shitty dance music on their phones at full volume.
⊗ Headaches.
⊗ People who stop suddenly right in front of you when walking down the street.
⊗ Stereotypical emos.
⊗ Chavs.
⊗ Bitchy girls.
⊗ Teachers.
⊗ Authority.
⊗ Stupid unintelligent people.
⊗ Frisbees.

I'd like to meet:

William Shatner aka GOD.

Simon Pegg because he is strangely hot and I want to be his friend.

Reon Kadena aka HOT STUFF.

Mr Blobby.

And Jet was just so hot.
Jeremy Kyle.. tells it like it is!!!

I would also like to meet anyone with an ounce of intelligence.

My Better Half
My boy is on tour with Megadeth Exodus at the moment, YEAH MUTHACHUNKER!


⊗Cannibal Corpse
⊗Morbid Angel
⊗Six Feet Under
⊗Visceral Bleeding
⊗Mourning Beloveth
⊗Vital Remains
⊗Sunn o)))
⊗Anaal Nathrakh
But I also like other stuff that is very un-metal but working in a music shop you hear things that are better than... other shit things. Un-metal stuff I like is: ⊗Pendulum
⊗Bloc Party
⊗Girls Aloud! *shut up*
⊗Ashlee Simpson *shame*
⊗Stevie Wonder!
⊗WILLIAM SHATNER!!! (common people ftw!)

I like to go to gigs and stuff and wiggle.


I love horror, action, adventure, sci-fi and tartan asia (japanese) films.
I don't like sucky girly films.
⊗Anchorman (and pretty much anything with Will Ferrel in it!)
⊗Star Trek: First Contact
⊗Back To The Future
⊗Kung Pow
⊗Robin Hood Men In Tights
⊗Silent Hill


I watch:
⊗Family Guy
⊗Jeremy Kyle
⊗Soaps (cause I'm sad)


I like reading mysteries, crime and science fiction.
Fave books? Anything by Stephen King, Kathy Reichs, Patricia Cornwell, Joan Jonker, and Star Trek novels! p


I owe everything to Neil Buchanan. My God.

My Blog

Moving house!!!!!!!

Me and Ol have a booooooootiful new house!We went to see it, and we were set to see some more the same day, but as soon as we saw it we went I want it! And went into Whitegates the same day to get it...
Posted by Hetty on Mon, 05 May 2008 10:50:00 PST

I had to clean up some retards PISS

What an eventful day at work I had.I was stood repricing some Movie Soundtracks at work, and down the aisle is the classical section.So this old woman comes up to me and says "My sons had a little acc...
Posted by Hetty on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 03:09:00 PST

I met Dave Mustaine!!!!!!!!

So yeah I saw my boys, and Megadeth, Monday at Rock City Nottingham, and last night at Manchester Academy.Last night Ol took me up to meet the man that is Dave Mustaine, I was going "NO NO NO I don't...
Posted by Hetty on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 02:16:00 PST

Updated list of bands seen live

I REALLY CANNOT REMEMBER THEM ALL AAARGHBloodstock Open Air 2006: Metal Church Atheist Turisas Bal-Sagoth EnsiferumBloods...
Posted by Hetty on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 03:18:00 PST

I have my first Maths exam tomorrow...

I AM SHITTING MYSELF.Literally. All over the floor. Its disgusting. I'm shitting quadratic equations.Its been a year or two since I've done any exams, and its been 4 years since I've done any Maths. N...
Posted by Hetty on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 05:40:00 PST

Going back to college...

    ...I'm scared.
Posted by Hetty on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 02:27:00 PST

Rhodes pictures!!!

Well well.Ok, so here's me thinking... "yeah, never been on a plane before, no problem, nothing to worry about"................................... .........I was fucking shitting myself. I DO NOT...
Posted by Hetty on Sun, 20 May 2007 01:43:00 PST

Ol's going away :( And recording the album! :)

Gahhh!!!!! What am I gonna do? No Ol for nearly a whole month??????? NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is going to be reeeeeeeeeally hard. No, I mean, seriously. Me and that boy haven't spent more than 2 we...
Posted by Hetty on Sun, 06 May 2007 12:09:00 PST

Being in Huddersfield

I'm loving it here. I'm so happy now, when I was at college basically I was completely and utterly... depressed. I wished I could go to sleep and not wake up and the only thing that kept me going is m...
Posted by Hetty on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 03:01:00 PST

This man...

...of mine is the best thing to ever happen to me.
Posted by Hetty on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 04:24:00 PST