"How might I encapsulate me in a few short sentences?" I thought to me. To define oneself is as lofty and arrogant as comparing the process to Erwin Schrodinger’s cat paradox---the notion of me is skewed by my own perception of me. A fat load of crap so far? INDEED. But then I began to think about me because me my favorite subject! What is me? How me think? Me think like me...or me think like me? Is me typing this or merely an incorporeal me being squirted from the electrical storm of some volatile cosmic teat? But then me remember me need only look at the philosophical tenets of David Hume to realize that me are not all miniature versions of the Divine Me but rather a physical manifestation of the me as me experiences it---not surprising when you trace Hume’s influences to Locke, Berkeley, Newtonian physics and me. It was a very poignant me which reminded me of a me: "You can give a me a me for a day but TEACH a me to me and he mes for a lifetime." Me me me me me. Me, me me me, me-me. Me! Me---me me me---me me ME. Me me (me, me & me) me me me; me me me me. Me me me, but me me and me. Consequently, me me with me while me had very little me. "Me me me," so I was all like, "Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" And that seemed to satisfy me.