I love to learn.
Anything about anything. I like to garden, Big gardens full of veggies to little ones full of flowers.
I also like art such as museums, drawing, painting, coloring, crafts :)I also love to read, watch movies, play cards, visit with friends, watch the stars at night, listen to water bubbling down a stream, rain storms, animals (including some people :)hee hee, and comedy.
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The people that inspire me
to be better than I am right now=========================================================
I LOVE COUNTRY MUSIC ! Especially Garth Brooks Everyone from oldies like Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson To new artists like Sugarland and Gretchen Wilson I also like Classic Rock The Eagles, Aerosmith, Guns 'n Roses, etc. And then there are others like Bily Joel, Rod Stewart, Evenescense. But I still listen to almost everything :) Even some Rap!
I love to go to the movies. My favorites genres are Documentary, Horroe, Comedy, Adventure, Drama, & Romance. StarWars, Lord of the Rings, The Notebook, Titanic. Movies like these are better on the big screen with your loved ones beside you. I love movies so twisted and mentally thought provoking that I get scared out of mind! I love to laugh so hard I piss my pants!
My favorite channels are DSC, HGTV, A&E, SPIKE, BIO, LIFE, OXYGEN, CNN, HIST, CMT My favorite shows are Reality tv & Educational Shows
I think my maturity has developed in a way that I now want to learn how to improve myself. So now I am currently reading self-help books.
!!! My most acknowledgable heroes would have to be my children. They are my rock, my foundation. Children have a unique way of looking at the world and adjusting to almost any situation. They are so optomistic and full of hope and love that it amazes me most of the time. Because most of the time this world scares the hell out of me! !!!