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Kate Cobain

I am here for Friends

About Me


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Axl Rose,Jon Bon Jovi,Pavel Nedved,Michael Pitt,Duff Mckagan,Slash


Nirvana,Guns n' Roses, Bon Jovi,Ramones,Sex Pistols,The Clash, Goo Goo Dolls,Alter Bridge, Velvet Revolver,Aerosmith, Nickelback,Led Zeppelin,LA Guns,Skid Row,The Doors,30 seconds to Mars,Incubus


Last Days,Alexander,The lord of the rings,The Crow,Armageddon,Hidalgo,L'ultimo samurai,Io non sono qui,Il cacciatore delle tenebre with Jon Bon JOvi..^^


Heavier than Heaven,Delitto e Castigo,L'Idiota,David Copperfield,I diari di Kurt Cobain,I sentieri dei nidi di ragno,Oliver Twist,The catcher in the rye,Alexandros


Kurt Cobain Axl Rose