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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a new spouse.

Yet another reason to love last.fm : embedding playlist stations! Here are some of my favorite songs that make me feel all autumn-y inside.

My Interests

crafty endeavors, music, midcentury modern design, rolling rock, reading, NPR, netflix, saloon piano, peanut butter, art history, moderate democrats, scottish accents, wanting tattoos but being too scared of my mom to get one, taking pictures, the beach, ira glass, readymade magazine, laughing until i can't breathe, max fischer, heifer international, sitting in rittenhouse square, sleeping, dane cook, autumn, off-color humor, desperately wanting a flat pak house , drinks served out of coconuts, hugging, coffee, interior decorating, giant cheeseburgers, conan o'brien, travelling, rocking out at concerts, camping, right-justified things, pretending to be smart, eugene mirman, overthinking everything in my life, browsing at the bookstore and then buying everything on half.com, pizza, craftster, talking in the voice of estelle costanza, drinking beers after work in the summer, mike birbiglia, museums, david sedaris, conga lines, looking into people's windows, staring at the ceiling, christmas.


i'm mainly more into albums than bands, but safe bets are: belle and sebastian, brendan benson, bob dylan, quasi, beulah, arcade fire, the lucksmiths, looper, the rondelles, andrew wk, magnetic fields, the streets, rolling stones, yo la tengo, elephant 6 bands, apples in stereo, kings of convenience, bf5, sloan, elliott smith, steely dan, tmbg, cat power. recently...


annie hall, anything wes anderson (the life aquatic being last in line), so i married an axe murderer, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, the godfather (I & II), lost in translation, the great outdoors, stanley kubrick, reality bites, burt reynolds movies, american beauty, ghostbusters, fight club, zoolander, the graduate, don't look back, indiana jones, amelie, manhattan murder mystery, about a boy, willy wonka, singles, pretty in pink.


curb your enthusiasm, the simpsons (back when the writers still had integrity), seinfeld, gilmore girls, cosby show reruns, nature shows (especially about natural disasters or life on the serengeti), nanny 911, design on a dime, family guy, anything about the paranormal (especially aliens), my so-called life, the office (uk), fishing with john, basically any reality show where i can pass judgement on people who are in situations i've never been in, blue planet, the x-files.


catcher in the rye, middlesex, a prayer for owen meany, franny and zooey, the amazing adventures of kavelier and clay, david sedaris, still life with woodpecker, the fountainhead, crime & punishment


conan o'brien, bob dylan, stuart murdoch, holden caulfield, phil hartman, dr. jack j. spector (my modern art professor), stephen cramer

My Blog

That summer feeling’s gonna haunt you

Since G is going to be away camping this weekend with the boys, presumably participating in peeing contests and smashing beer cans on his forehead, I decided to do what I always do when he's away: wat...
Posted by kate on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 11:08:00 PST

A Collective of Animals

I heart the new Animal Collective song!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxvGHQHiY70The video gives me nightmares, but maybe in a good X-Files-y kind of way....
Posted by kate on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 08:56:00 PST

Home, where my thoughts escaping

Just in case anyone perhaps might be interested, I've started a blog detailing the "improvement" of our new home...http://passyunkpalace.wordpress.com...
Posted by kate on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 02:48:00 PST

The KrebBlog 2000

One of the few shows from my childhood that still holds up (aside from the Cosby Show and possibly Diffr'nt Strokes) is The Adventures of Pete and Pete.  Although maybe that's because by the time...
Posted by kate on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 09:12:00 PST

Imaginary Homeownership vs Actual Homeownership

Imaginary homeownership:- picking out the perfect couch- dinner parties - cocktail soirees- weekend guests- working on craft projects- back patio barbecuesActual homeownership:- stripping wallpaper, c...
Posted by kate on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 04:41:00 PST

Happy now?!?!

Aside from Rainman and a few others, Barry Levinson has directed some pretty horrible movies (most of which star Robin Williams, if that's any indicator) - e.g. Toys, Man of the Year, Envy (sorry, JB,...
Posted by kate on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 11:15:00 PST

...all this and Andy Rooney, coming up...

Warning: self-satisfied advice column coming Never underestimate how important money is in life. I grew up in a household where money was always tight, partially due to the fact that my parents a...
Posted by kate on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 12:48:00 PST

the *real* secret of the da vinci code

ok all you dan brown fans, are you ready to be shocked beyond belief???HIS NAME IS NOT DA VINCI!!!!sorry, but i'm reading the da vinci code (yes, i think i'm the 5,975,982,997th person on the planet, ...
Posted by kate on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 08:01:00 PST

surveys are fun but not really!

If you opened this, FILL IT OUT! Learn 50 things about your friends, and let them learn 50 things about you! 1. How tall are you barefoot? 5' 3" 2. Have you ever smoked heroin? no 3. Do you own a g...
Posted by kate on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 08:42:00 PST

don't come near me

i think the last time i had a fever my mom stayed home from work and made me grilled cheese and soup and came in every ten minutes to take my temperature and feel my forehead.  today all i got wa...
Posted by kate on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 06:41:00 PST