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heres the new music video for all the lovers.. if its running to slow you can go into our video section and watch a shittier quality video that will go faster..but fuck that shit
see were working on recording our songs.. we have alot of Solid material that is jsut waiting to blow up in your speakers.. but we have to work some things out. were a 2 peice but we have alot of help from freinds.. if we dont have a freind on guitar or drums or bass so on and so forth gee and vit c jam on our multi effect key board (Casio tonebank keyboard ct-670) and it fucking rocks. we are so diverse and far into the music intustrie that we work will all genres ranging from straight hard as fuck street gangster rap to 80s steeze, we work on country songs and are most proud of our love for death metal.. we have taken teh death metal scene to a hole new level and theres no stopping us now. -Vit C
. ya what up this is thee chef boy 'r' G. we are here to throw shit down hard ass f. u dont like it then confront us about it. actually forget about it were too busy bustin out songs to care about the hataz. yo i can kick higher then anyone i know so dont even temp g. throw ur mother f'in G'S AND C'S UP. ya we usually play at partys. we are playin for free only at this time cause its all for the fans. its just begun and now theres no turnin back just wait for the new cd comen out asap. shout us a holler when we get to here these super fly original beats, already concidered my favorite cd ever. -thee chef boy 'R' GEE
this is the vid weww have been waiting for weww apologize about the quality i had to make the file a fuck load smaller so it could fit into myspaces video bullfuckingshit so enjoy as mcuh as you can and if you want to see the real deal you can buy our double disk thats gona be coming out soon
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more pictures for all yallz veiwing pleasure