FYI-MY PET PEEVE IS SNARKY AND USELESS CELEBRITY GOSSIP- I GET ENOUGH OF IT IN THE GROCERY LINE AND REFUSE TO PERPETUATE WHAT I CONSIDER TO BE FAUX ENTERTAINMENT. THAT SAID...I'm an actress/singer/wife/mother/jewelry designer-(not necessarily in that order) I ended up here because my sistah told me I had to look at her pics- and then I had to join to access them...SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!!! If you are interested in seeing my stage work (or occasional tv work)- please access my web-site ( to Sheri-Lynn it is usually updated (thanks girl). If you want to be my "friend"- it helps if I have met you or heard of you or you are a friend of a friend. If you want me to be a fan of your "band"- don't bother- I'm way too old and bitter to go to clubs anymore. If you are my husband- "Hi Honey, whatcha doin?
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