Online shopping, celebrity gossip, quality email correspondence, civilian gossip, mysterious marbling, organization, asking my cat if he is the most precious ever, Chickfila.
Conscientious spellers; exceptions granted to cute boys and girls.
Leonard Cohen, Wilco, Paul Simon, Cat Power, Jenny Lewis, Spoon, Bright Eyes, Elliott Smith, Aimee Mann, Fleetwood Mac's greatest hits, M. FREAKING WARD, the Arcade Fire, Eels, the Magnetic Fields, Modest Mouse, Built to Spill, Nick Cave, the super-cool "Nightmare Before Christmas" soundtrack, all Christmas music. Coldplay and U2 are for amateurs.
Secretary, Topsy Turvy, Tootsie, Pirates of the Caribbean, Old School, Anne of Green Gables, Steel Magnolias, The Bourne Identity, Moonstruck. And, fine, yeah, I own Bridget Jones' Diary, Two Weeks Notice, and The Cutting Edge, but it was a DVD-thirsty time and that's the kind of crap girls watch.
Veronica Mars, Wonderfalls, Gilmore Girls, What Not to Wear, House, Grey's Anatomy, early West Wing, Six Feet Under. And, while we're admitting things, I own 9 seasons of Friends, and I watch them all the time. All the damn time.
Remains of the Day, A Pale View of Hills, the Princess Diaries, the Anastasia series, Mrs. Dalloway, Portrait of a Lady, A River Runs Through It, Social Lives of Dogs, The Hours, Jim the Boy, all Robertson Davies, Haven Kimmel, and Richard Russo. Most Nick Hornby. David Sedaris, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Alice Munro, Jane Smiley. Historical biography (old-time gossip).
Shit, dude, that's heavy.