A little about me...I guess I would say I'm pretty down to Earth, most of the time anyways. A typical woman who likes to gossip, shop and watch tv. I absolutely LOVE to laugh. I have an irrational fear of death.(hardly anyone even knows that)I love to organize and throw parties, and if you've ever been to one of mine you know that they are the best;)
My house isn't as organized as it could be, I HATE to put laundry away. I have to sit in the second to front row at the movies because of my biggest pet peeve: people chewing loudly or with their mouth open or breathing heavily. My husband recently helped me get started on Ebay, so far it's working out good, but much more work than I anticipated. I have the world's largest family. I am in two bowling leagues, but have an average of less than a hundred. I can't believe I ever functioned without the DVR. I try to give my kids the life I never had as a child. I don't know how to say no to anyone. I am ALWAYS on the go, but love every minute of my chaotic life (most of the time anyways). If you want to know more about me, drop me a line. I'll answer...if I can make time.
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