Belle profile picture


It's A Dog's Life

About Me

I am a 4 month old terrier mix. Don't ask me what terrier. I have webbed feet so perhaps there is some retriever there. All I know is that I have to retrieve anything and everything that is thrown. I was adopted 2 months ago from the Humane Society. I love cats! We sleep together and have a great time playing and chasing eachother. I have a one acre fenced in yard to play in.There are lots of wildlife to chase. I am never bored. What more can a dog ask for! I love it!Please check out my Mom's dog art, personalized name notecards for pets and people, and etc at Watercolor Works and More
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and her young girls boutique clothing at Sweet Outfits Boutique

Myspace Backgrounds

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !


My Interests

cats, birds, rabbits, dogs, steak, chew toys.Here are my cats, Smoke and Sage:

I'd like to meet:

a tall dark hairy stranger


Wynn Dixie


Lassie Come Home, The Incredible Journey