Hello and Good Evening, most call me Preston. I would like to formally thank you for visiting my site as it shall provide a slight glimpse into my complex and bizzarre life. I enjoy jet-setting the world in aircraft, fine-aged wines, automobiles, roulette in the casinos, models, and causing a raucous wherever I might be. I often travel with my clique. On a hot summer's afternoon in the deep south, we stopped at a filling station for some fuel and refreshments. Upon paying for our various sundries, we noticed some extravagant sunglasses and had to purchase them. Well this is when I decided that not a soul needs to travel to locations far and away to discover and purchase extravagant sunglasses and eyewear anymore. These incredible styles should be easily accessible to anyone at a great price. Thus my company was born, "Gas Station Sun Glasses". Check out www.gasstationsunglasses.com for great glasses, and crazy stories from Alexander Price III, Elisabeth Devon, Phoelix, and myself Preston Argyle.
Sorry for the delay in the store. Xander and I just got back from Los Angeles.. Preparations for the store going live before the end of the week have been made.
Also, keep an eye out for X... Posted by Preston Argyle on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 06:10:00 PST