About Me

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***** I'm a 44 year old white female with 3 wonderful children who have grown up and make me so very proud to be their mom!! My son Jonathan is 24 and he works in our family monument business. My oldest daughter Michelle is 21 and she just recently got married and is in radiology school, she and my other daughter Kelly, 18 years old, are so very beautiful. My daughter Michelle's dad died in a car wreck when she was 3 months old, we were married for 1 year and 11 days. I've never remarried since then. We've all lived in South Carolina all of our lives. My dad died in January and I got involved with the wrong group of friends and started smoking crack. In August I got put in jail for 77 days, and I believe now that it was the best thing that could have happened to me. I stayed in lockdown for 22 hours a day and had nobody to talk to and not much to do so I started reading the Bible and it has really helped me so much!!! I'm sure my dad is looking down smiling now!! I've started going to Sunday School and to church each week now and I love my life better than I ever have. Keep me in your prayers!! My screen name on Yahoo is robinski2403. Add me on and we can chat!!My e-mail address is rpietarinen@msn.com or robinski2403@aol.com so write to me if you get a chance ****
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My Interests

Make your own Myspace Crazy Text at CommentYou.com My three wonderful children, my sweet mom, my brother and sister and her family, I love Nascar racing (Dale Earnhardt #8 and Jeff Gordon #24 are my favorites), wrestling, movies, and soap operas, to name a few... I also love Mustangs, I uses to own a GT and I want to buy another one some day soon...

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I'd like to meet:

***There are quite a few people I would like to meet... I'd love to meet God one day, my future husband, whoever that may be!!, Paul Walker, Brad Pitt, some of my friends on myspace, Richard Petty (the King of Nascar), Garth Brooks, George Strait, Brooks & Dunn, John Cena and the Undertaker off wrestling, and there are really too many more to name


I love country music, some rap music, rock, music from the 70's 80's amd 90's, love songs, i love Aerosmith, The Eagles, Eric Clapton, Metallica, Guns 'N Roses, plus many more ***


My favorite movie of all time is Gone With the Wind, and my second favorite is Titanic, The Green Mile, Castaway, Fast & The Furious 1 & 2, Rebel Without a Cause, A Streetcar Named Desire, Giant, Goodfellas, The American President are all some of my favorites ***


Whose Line is it Anyway, WWE, Trick my Truck, Jerry Seinfeld, I love Lucy, the Beverly Hillbillies, Extreme Home Makeover, and the new shows like America's Got Talent, American Idol, The Bachelor, some sitcoms, and of course, soap operas *** **
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Bible, Left Behind series, books about documentaries, books about James Dean and the Titanic, and I love novels ***


Free Matrix Text Effect At WishAFriend.com ....My hero is my DADDY!!!! I miss him so much. I can't wait to see him again one day soon.. He fell and broke his hip on my birthday last July 21st, then we found out he had cancer in his hip and it spread throughout his body. He passed away on January 6th. He was the best man I've ever been blessed to know. He and my mom put up with a lot of hell from me over the years but he knows I love him so very deeply, and my beloved sweet, fragile MOM... ***

My Blog

I got the best news today!!!!

My daughter Michelle called me this morning and told me that she is expecting a baby!!! Her and RJ's prayers have come true. I know that her daddy and papa would be so happy and proud, and I'm sure th...
Posted by ♥ROBIN♥ IS GOING TO BE A GRANDMAMA on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 05:37:00 PST


I have been working at Honda for almost a month now and I love it, plus I love the pay, it is excellent. Almost every day after I get off work, I go riding on the 4 wheeler after I work putting 4 whee...
Posted by ♥ROBIN♥ IS GOING TO BE A GRANDMAMA on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 07:58:00 PST

Update on my drug free life

Hello everybody!! I've had a really great day today. I went job looking yesterday and today, but this afternoon I went to my good friend Tony's house. My daughter Kelly usually goes with me because sh...
Posted by ♥ROBIN♥ IS GOING TO BE A GRANDMAMA on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 09:17:00 PST

It's not going to be a very good Christmas for me!!

Well, without my dad, every day closer to Christmas, is more depressing than the day before. I've cried 4 times today thinking about Christmas without daddy, and it will never be the same, he made it ...
Posted by ♥ROBIN♥ IS GOING TO BE A GRANDMAMA on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 09:15:00 PST

My new job

Well, today has been a good but long day. I shouldn't have stayed up so late last night, but I WILL catch up with some sleep tonight. I'm just not used to waking up at 6 am to get ready to go to work,...
Posted by ♥ROBIN♥ IS GOING TO BE A GRANDMAMA on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 02:40:00 PST

I wonder if I'll ever be through with decorating for Christmas

Well, I put some more decorations up today. I don't know how my dad did soooo much decorating, but like me, he loved Christmas so much. I miss him every day. A friend from high school came over earlie...
Posted by ♥ROBIN♥ IS GOING TO BE A GRANDMAMA on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 09:31:00 PST

It's been a great day today

I've had a really good day today. My daughter Kelly got out of jail today. Plus I got my monte carlo back, (it's been in the garage having a motor put in it), got the tags and insurance for it also, s...
Posted by ♥ROBIN♥ IS GOING TO BE A GRANDMAMA on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 09:36:00 PST

I love Christmas, but I don't know how dad did all his decorating

I have been outside decorating for Christmas for the past 2 hours and I don't know how my dad had the patience to do all that he did. He put up close to 70,000 lights every year and at the end of the ...
Posted by ♥ROBIN♥ IS GOING TO BE A GRANDMAMA on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 07:12:00 PST