Joy profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Over-educated, sloppy, nail-biting, highly verbal, brown-eyed white girl raised by hippies in california and educated by commies in cambridge.

I am a proud and noisy third-wave feminist dedicated to solidarity between women (I am SO DONE with the whole competitiveness thing!) and compassion and respect for people of all genders. If you don't know what third-wave means, see my blog, yo.

I am part of the sex-positive revolution. If you don't know what that is, again, see my blog, yo. I am a sex-educator with a local television program and am dedicated to supporting queer and non-normative sexualities and relationships in all their forms.

I am a freelance director and producer of theatre, film, video and TV in Seattle and have my own lil' company called TricycleTRAIN Productions. If you want to know why its called that, ask Anthea. She's in my top 8, and has been since i was 3. Okay, maybe myspace didn't exist when I was 3, but she would have been if it had.

I play in a rock band but SOMEONE is moving to Italy and thus the band will be over soon - but check us out "Stone and Star" in my top 8.

I live in Seattle with a lovely man and a bunch of lovely friends. And my sweet sister nearby too!

Oh, a couple of things - I don't usually accept friend requests from people I don't know (hear that random bands and porno sites?), but if you are an actual person who is interested in me for a reason OTHER than taking my money, getting laid, or asking me about how to get into harvard, message me, yo, and I'll friend you.

Also, I am not here very much these days, so don't take it personally if it takes me like a month to get back to you.

My Interests

Art Love Beauty Debate and Revolution

I'd like to meet:

angels, demons and nerds of all color. fiesty souls with strong opinions and stronger hugs. people, in seattle especially, interested in challenging the stories told us by the world. and writing new ones. and getting lost along the way.


I make it


I make them too


Why don't they ever ask you your favorite plays in these damn "About Me" boxes?


I like to read them. I especially like the ones with soft yet shiny covers and wide margins. Short chapters are also good. As are extensive footnotes. And sexy subtitles. I like those.


Hmmm... Eleanor Rooseveldt, Virginia Woolf, Lama Tsering Everest, Madonna, Annie Oakley, Charles Mee, Wilbur and Orville Wright, Susan Sontag, my maternal grandmother, Gauguin, Ani DiFranco, Rosa Parks, Anne Sexton, Guy Maddin, Kurosawa, Ella Fitzgerald, Anne Bogart, Jim Henson, AA Milne... I'll think of more...

My Blog

Father-Daughter Purity Ball

I almost don't know what to say about this. The following is a link to a conservative christian family that holds an annual ball (seven years running) where daughters essentially pledge their sexual f...
Posted by Joy on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 10:55:00 PST

On Post-structuralism...and why it matters (***warning, nerd alert***)

A friend of mine, knowing that I am a big nerd, recently asked me if could explain Post-structuralism. Shes really cute and I can never say no to cute girls, so please forgive a moment of gratuitous n...
Posted by Joy on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 09:53:00 PST

My Ideal Sexual World

  As engaged sex-positive, feminist, queer and kinky folks, we spend a lot of time talking about how crappy the world is.  My partner and I have taken up the habit of identifying, from time ...
Posted by Joy on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 11:57:00 PST

Clashing Waves

  There is a lot of ideological dissent between second- and third-wave feminists.  This is probably most frequently played out between mothers who came of age in the 60s and 70s and their no...
Posted by Joy on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 12:13:00 PST

Riding the Waves

  So heres a quick rundown of the waves of feminism as generally accepted. As with any history of an idea, this is just one version of the story, but I think it is a useful structure through whic...
Posted by Joy on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 02:30:00 PST

On Pain and Joy (II)

An Approximate Haiku, for myself and all those who sometimes choose misery:     Oh sad and lonely man! You taste happiness and turn away, Convinced your pain is realer than your joy...
Posted by Joy on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 12:03:00 PST

On Pain and Joy (I)

   For anyone who doesn't know, I was in a pretty bad car accident last year.  And though my broken bone has healed, the dominoes set into motion that night are still falling, nine mont...
Posted by Joy on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 10:26:00 PST

On Male Nudity

So a male friend of mine the other day asked me the following, great question: Why is it that in the U.S.A. male frontal nudity, the penis, etc, are SO taboo, but not at all in pretty much every othe...
Posted by Joy on Tue, 30 May 2006 11:03:00 PST

On Tag and Sexism

At age 8 I had my first recognizable experience of sexism. A friend of my mothers, along with her husband and two boys, one my age and one a few years older, were staying at our house as they travele...
Posted by Joy on Wed, 24 May 2006 11:48:00 PST

On Friendship vs. Sex

Our culture is engaged in a militaristic attempt to separate friendship and sex. Creating binaries makes it easier to control people. Are you black or white? Male or Female? Gay or Straight? Tell...
Posted by Joy on Mon, 22 May 2006 10:52:00 PST