Anyone running their own business, and makin' things happen. Payin' the bills with your business? Buyin' nice things with your business? Or just starting out? I want to meet you or learn from you! If I can help you out I'll do what I can!
And that man from 12 years ago...we probably would have a GREAT TIME!! ;)
Pix of my Whip and my future...Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
Those of you that know me, know that in addition to makin' kick ass jewelry, I'm an awesome performance racer. My car of choice my 2002 WRX, it's got a couple of "unmentionable" mods and it's got a decent 1/4 mile time...We'll leave the details to chance but if you're lucky enough to see me on the streets, maybe I'll give you shot...but probably not. Oh and if you're all show and no go don't waste my time***