Put an end to hate on this site.
I am here for one purpose, to put an end to nazi's and their hate campaigns on this site.Check out this person and his friends
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewpro file&friendid=85462684
There are many more profiles like this and far worse, some nazi profiles I have come across on this site are making comments bragging about their violent acts towards others some even organising attacks from this very site.
The moderators of this site have been banning these hate filled morons, but they keep coming back with new names etc.Lets keep this site clean, if you come accross any of these profiles, simply go to the bottom of their profile and click 'Report inappropriate content', assisting the moderators of this site to remove such profiles.
If you look into many of these profiles, you will see many of them have targetted confused, angry teenagers, this cannot be allowed to happen. Their message of hate needs to be stopped. This site is about music NOT hate.
If enough people join myself and many other profiles similar to mine we can rid this site of these hate campaigns, but please do not attempt to add these people to make comments on their pages, as some of these people ARE dangerous. I have witnessed members of the KKK, combat 18 and other terror networks on this site.
Please add me as your friend, then spread this message to all your friends, so we can put an end to this hate.
Thank you.
The Cleaner.