i like snickerdoodles, chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, ginger bread, pumpkin and sugar cookies. please stop making the peanut butter ones as i developed an allergy to peanuts within the last year. and don't skimp and leave me chips ahoy, either!!
HER!!! (don't tell the mrs.)
who decided to do trance and smooth-jazz versions of christmas music? clearly unacceptable.
i'll always be proud of my rudolph! though production for that movie cost me an arm and a leg!
i think that southpark show is funny. the mrs. thinks it portrays me in a negative light but she doesn't quite get the humor. she likes martha stewart and loves her "holiday" magazines. i try to tell her that martha has been on my naughty list for decades and that her love for that woman's crafts is disloyal to our marriage.
jesus for making my livelihood possible!