Chocolate Sushi profile picture

Chocolate Sushi


About Me

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It's amazing the things you can learn about life from poopoo diapers:for instance- life's problems are like baby poop. It can get really messy for a time, but when it's not there, you're always worried.I thrive on constantly reinventing myself. I am exceptionally open-minded. I can get into just about any scene, love spontaneity, adventure, being outdoors, day trips, blue mascara, hot pink hair, merlot colored lipstick, and cobalt blue nail polish.My son Tafari is the bestest kid ever. He is my African prince, even though he currently looks VERY CAMBODIAN.covert sexiness, being crass in classy clothes, I love the juxtaposition of things

My Interests

Only got time to expand my mind

I'd like to meet:

Anti-Capitalists, Anti-Imperialists, Anti-Empire, Pro-Human Rights, Pro-Self-Determination Peoples...";


TELEVISION IS EVIL!!! Death to PROPAGANDA!!This is my alter-ego. She ROCKS!


Hegemony or Survival (Noam Chomsky), Assata, Confessions of an Economic Hitman (John Perkins) Quitting America (Randall Robinson) The Best Democracy Money Can Buy; Armed Madhouse (Greg Palast) Africa: Origin of Civilization (Cheikh Anta Diop) Nigger (Randall Kennedy) Black Panthers Speak Wretched of the Earth & Black Skin, White Masks (Frantz Fanon) By Any Means Necessary (Malcolm X) "Assasination of the Black Male Image" The Issys Papers (Dr. Frances Cres Welsing), Hugo Chavez and the New Latin America (interview with Aleida Guevara), The Bible Myth, Revolutionary Suicide (Huey P. Newton), Black Power (Kwame Ture), Destruction of Black Civilizations,I got more books than I can read right now, but I love it!!! Need some books by Naomi Klein and countless others.


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My Blog

Snapshot of me at this moment in time

Umi Says....Divinity of Humanity:Constantly looking for an external savior; looking for your deliverance to come from somewhere outside of yourself. Endowed with the spirit of the Creator, looking ins...
Posted by Chocolate Sushi on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 02:10:00 PST