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i am that i am...

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

" If we keep doing what we are doing, we're going to keep getting what we're getting. Its the definition of insanity to keep doing the same thing expecting different results. " Steve Lightworker.com
Sun Sign: Scorpio
Sun 10° Scorpio 06' Scorpio Horoscope
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Moon Sign: Taurus
Moon 27° Taurus 47' Taurus Horoscope
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Rising Sign: Aquarius
Ascendant 9° Aquarius 45' Aquarius Horoscope
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Your Birthdate: November 2
You're so intuitive, it's like you have a sixth, seventh, and eighth sense.
You connect with others freely and easily - and you tend to have many best friends.
Warm and caring, it's hard for you to close your heart to anyone.
Affection is like air for you - you need to give and receive it to survive.
Your strength: Your universal compassion
Your weakness: Your unpredictable mood swings
Your power color: Mauve
Your power symbol: Butterfly
Your power month: February What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

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MY LIFE IS Fuckin Magic---but right now I'm in deep need of a mojo recharge! A box doesn't encompass all that I am but here are just the facts about moi:All n all I am a paradox--there is always an opposite end of the spectrum, one that seems to contradict the other but in reality, there is balance and perfect harmony-A lover of love, an absolute romantic in every sense of the word -A mother, wombyn--although I don't believe my ability to bear children defines my womynhood, since becoming a mother, I feel I have a better understanding of the power that is a womyn, the beauty of all that is of the sacred feminine -Bleeding heart--I have a love/hate relationship with humans, however I hate to see people and animals in pain--always felt it was a mission of mine to alleviate the pain and suffering of others somehow, felt a duty to make things right for all; fierce protectoress of humanity--maternal instinct perhaps -Avid life learner, seeker of wisdom--- I used to simply accumulate knowledge for knowledge sake, a random database of info I never really seemed to consult...it seems like now I'm really learning how to apply some things I've known and it only took ___ yrs! -Orisha practitioner... ancestor reverer -music lover--esp hip hop, samba, jungle, dnb, reggae, jazz, etc -entrepreneur- i have like a million different projects Im slowing waiting to birth...watch out future cuz I'm bout to blaze a trail of glory -student/teacher- these are interchangeable, I open to learnin lessons, especially from those whom i mentor-they mentor me; I want to sweep up the children of the world, the downtrodden, and voiceless, in my arms and nurture them, encourage sing their praises...because far too often, they are overlookedOkay tis enough for now...wanna find out more, just ask. It's all love here homies! .. roundbox top -- , you're now logged in! Below you'll find your test result. After, continue on to your homescreen to discover what we're about. continue to OkCupid homescreen .. roundbox bot -- ..tr Catwalk God(ess)
(, {{[Flamboyant Original Deliberate Sexy]
You know fashion inside out but you're far from being its slave. To you fashion is what you decide to wear. You've got great, if unconventional, taste and plenty of courage to put your ideas into practice, which inspires admiration; but few have guts to copycat you. I suppose it doesn't worry you because to you originality counts. You are self-confident, perhaps even arrogant, and consider a day wasted when no one gives you an interested or shocked look. Great job.
The opposite style from yours is Librarian [Tasteful Conventional Random Prissy].
All the categories: Librarian Sporty Hottie Office Master Uptown Girl/ Boy Brainy Student Movie Star Fashionista Glamorous Soul Fashion Enemy Bar Cruiser Kid Next Door Sex Bomb Hippie Kid Fashion Rebel Fashion Artist Catwalk God(ess) }}) --
Myspace Layouts For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com
Girly Myspace Comments

My Interests

Striving to live and love with an open heart each and every dayREAD THIS: AIDS: According to UNAIDS/WHO report as of the end of 1999, 34.3 million people live with HIV/AIDS world wide. Of that number, 24.5 million (71.4%) live in sub-Saharan Africa. In 1999, 79% of the total AIDS deaths occurred in sub-Saharan Africa. More than 17 million Africans have died from AIDS and another 25 million are infected with the HIV virus, approximately 1.9 million of whom are children OR 12 million African children have already lost one or both parents to AIDS, and unless we take serious action now, there will be more than 18 million AIDS orphans by the end of the decade. In 2006, almost two thirds (63%) of all persons infected with HIV are living in sub-Saharan Africa—24.7 million [21.8 million–27.7 million]. An estimated 2.8 million [2.4 million–3.2 million] adults and children became infected with HIV in 2006, more than in all other regions of the world combined. The 2.1 million [1.8 million–2.4 million] AIDS deaths in sub-Saharan Africa represent 72% of global AIDS deaths. Across this region, women bear a disproportionate part of the AIDS burden: not only are they more likely than men to be infected with HIV, but in most countries they are also more likely to be the ones caring for people infected with HIV. Across sub-Saharan Africa, women are more likely than men to be infected with HIV, and they are more likely to be the ones caring for people infected with HIV. While there is evidence that some of the epidemics in this region are diminishing, most country trends appear to be stable. In essence this reflects equilibrium: the number of people newly infected with HIV roughly equal the number of people dying of AIDS.WATER PRIVATIZATION: Lack of drinking water and sanitation kills about 4500 children a day and sentences their siblings, parents and neighbours to sickness, squalor and enduring poverty. Improvements bring immediate and lasting benefits in health, dignity, education, productivity and income generation.Diarrhoeal deaths strike mainly the young and the old. But lack of access to improved drinking water and sanitation afflicts people’s lives at all ages. In 2002, more than 500 million school-age children lived in families without access to improved sanitation and 230 million were without an improved water supply. Sadly, schools may not have adequate sanitation facilities either. The combination of poverty, poor health and lack of hygiene means that children from unserved homes miss school more frequently than those whose families do benefit from improved drinking water and sanitation services.The resulting lack of education and social development further marginalizes the children and reduces their future chances of selfimprovement (see Figure 6). For girls, it is not just sickness that costs them their schooling.The burden borne by women of hauling water from distant sources is often shared by her young daughters, leaving them with neither the time nor the energy for schooling. All in all, inadequate drinking water and sanitation services rob poor families of opportunities to improve their livelihoods.(unesco.org)CURRENT MOON lunar phase

I'd like to meet:

other truth seekers, world travelers, mommies, orisha devotees, bleeding hearts, mentors, mentees, Jeffrey Wright,anyone whose presence can enrich, endarken, enhance my life experience this time around..


goodshit...like soukouss, samba,afrobeat,hip hop, reggae,jazz,rnb (wow for real amy n frances) dnb,jungle, electroclash ,dub, classic rock, blah blah blah


eve's bayou, orfeu negro, sankofa,sparkle, sarafina, shes gotta have it (the soundtrack is amazing), catch a fire, amorres perros, jamon jamon, mr ibrahim, loving jezebel, coming to america, kama sutra is a beautiful movie, amelie,dirty pretty things,secretary, dancing at the blue iguana, anything with Jeffrey Wright (Angels in America, Basquiat) and Parker posey like this from Best in Showthe offbeat,arthouse types, really f$%^ up movies rock my socks, harold n maude,40 yr old virgin, knocked up is a new fav, oh yeah and the typical humorous bad taste college funnies...http://youtube.com/watch?v=gfY9Y-QLptk


t.v. rots ur brain kiddies...but i have guilty pleasures six feet under (rip) weeds, the wire (the schools), my wife n kids, king of queens, the forensic detective shows are kinda interesting, discovery channel programs, cidade dos homens (city of men), the office, BBC shows rawk kath n kim, ab fab, and coupling, project runway, curb your enthusiasm...i need to turn off the idiot box


temple of my familiar, women who run with the wolves, true love, random family, getting mother's body, invisible man, artemis fowl, etc


the ancestral women and men of my family, egungun, sistafriends, dawtas, youth, those whom inspire, the lovers, warriors fo humanity, crusaders for peace and justice...

My Blog

Disturbingly vivid dream

I wholeheartedly believe that dreams are a godsend...dreams are visions into the otherworldly which we often times are most disconnected from throughout the day...I've always felt that my dreams were ...
Posted by i am that i am... on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 02:58:00 PST

so nice i had to repost twice...reasons and seasons

Posted by i am that i am... on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 02:10:00 PST

Thanks and Praises to Almighty for KCRW at 1:30 AM--and DJ Aaron Byrd

I  was driving on my way home from the Dena in a semi-senti-mental mood during a picturesque beautiful night on the freeway alone when i flipped the stations as i tend to do to 89.9 kcrw where Dj Aaro...
Posted by i am that i am... on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 02:40:00 PST

world food day

..> Country food facts: from ReutersOct 16 (Reuters) - Tuesday marks World Food Day, with aid workers warning that war, weather, disease and deepening poverty leave more people hungry and in need of...
Posted by i am that i am... on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 05:35:00 PST

A suggestion....tune out ---Copied from a friend

Thanks Zaccai for introducing me to this entry... Greetings Warriors, Activists, Artists and Individualists....I am writing to address an issue that effects us all; the NEWS.Many of us can agree that ...
Posted by i am that i am... on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 10:10:00 PST

Mercury retrogrades=Eleggua in full effect

BEWARE: NOT FOR THE LAZY READERS: LOT OF VERBAGE Ah its that glorious time of year again where miscommunication is abound, confusion is rampant and patience tested...mercury retrograde...it seems like...
Posted by i am that i am... on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 04:39:00 PST

australia stay anti black

It seems that the efforts of the australian government in this african refugee ban are primarily to keep the country "white"given its history...to claim that the situation of african refugees fro...
Posted by i am that i am... on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:30:00 PST

my brothers better than yourn :D

my brother, my fam he has me always...my back well a good majority of the time tonight i bonded with him over music, long lost family secrets, memories of lust, love and loves lost, pain, ange...
Posted by i am that i am... on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 04:57:00 PST

black gul in blackface?

i-d magazine did a spread utilizing american apparel clothing and styled a black girl sporting blackface and a headwrap made of leggings, and bright assed pink assed lips...ummmm no i am all abo...
Posted by i am that i am... on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 11:13:00 PST

feelings that make you sick to your stomach

jeebus help me please... because i cant stand someone right now... ive never felt this way before about someone but the intensity of this dislike, has caused such nasty feelings to the point it made m...
Posted by i am that i am... on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 11:02:00 PST