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I am here for Networking

About Me

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Mother’s Day Radio is an ever expanding coalition of individuals, youth agencies, women’s groups, schools, churches, community organizations, and businesses who share the vision of elevating the images of women in music.

Our goal is to organize and implement successfully a call to action that results in a day of rest and uplift for women on radio. This day of rest and uplift is known as Mother’s Day Radio and kicked off on the weekend of Mother’s Day 2007.

MDR Objectives

    To secure one day of radio that plays no songs containing lyrics that emphasize the body parts and sexual attributes and activities of women. To secure one day of radio that plays songs containing lyrics that highlight and recognize the strength, honor, value and wisdom of the mothers, daughters, sisters—the women—of society. To secure the creation, marketing and distribution of a “Mother’s Day Album” that is a collaboration of national recording artists singing music that uplifts women by honoring the strength, honor, value and wisdom of women. To organize the youth across the country as leaders in the movement for Mother’s Day Radio. To rally together women in solidarity to support Mother’s Day Radio.

What this is all about:

    There have been many debates on the state of Hip-Hop culture, rap music lyrics, the integrity of the music, where it comes from and how it depicts elements of Black and 'urban' life. This is NOT one of those debates.
    There have been outright verbal attacks on Hip-Hop culture and the artists and their lack of social responsibility. This is NOT one of those attacks.
    This is not a question of the validity of requesting that a human being's worth be espoused within a form of entertainment that may or may not be controlled by the artists themselves.
    This IS a CALL TO ACTION by women, youth and the men we love to make clear how we want women to be represented in Hip-Hop culture and to implement a strategic plan for attaining it. This is an action of cooperation with artists, providing them with an opportunity for the creative self-expression of love, worth and value in their particular medium.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

MDR wants to meet people who are aware of their mental, physical, spiritual and political power to create the world in which they want to live. We want to connect with people who will EXERCISE this power to ensure that the world they envision is indeed the world they create.

We want to meet people who are UNcomfortable inside of the box of apathy and social lethargy. We choose to connect with people who see a vision beyond the box, and who step, hop, or leap out of the box with single-minded focus in pursuit of their grand vision. And we connect with those who would be so bold as to remove the box from the path of our children who come behind us.

MDR is calling out to a community who ACTS when it is CALLED TO ACT. This community understands its POWER to create change by embodying the change. It uses its collective VOICE to speak words that ignite constructive action toward the fulfillment of its goals. It listens to its people, it makes adjustments as necessary, and it serves the greater good. This is the MDR Community. Individuals, organizations, and institutions coming together in solidarity to make a positive impact on generations to come, you have found your way HOME. WELCOME.


One of our supporting organizations, Teen Outreach Progam (TOP) St. Louis, is a dynamic group of youth, 14-17 years of age. In an attempt to support the creation of songs with beats and rhythms that they enjoy, performed by some of their favorite artists, with lyrics that respectfully represent the women that they learn from and value in their daily lives, the TOP teens have this to say:

"We are behind this movement because women brought us into this world and it is not right to disrespect them. Upon researching lyrics, we found lyrics that objectify women, such as saying they should sell their bodies or strip. We found lyrics that call women inappropriate names, such as b***h, wh***, trick, slut, etc. We would like to hear songs on Mother's Day weekend of 2007 with a Soul, R&B, Hip-Hop, and Rap flavor that show women as queens, equals, and people who bring life into this world."

To SIGN OUR PETITION, please visit .

My Blog

Artist interviews for the 2009 Mother's Day Radio "Day of Rest and Uplift" Check out Mother's Day Radio's exclusive interview with multi-talented performing artist Gina Rene! Then, join us for the "Ladies in White" ...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 12:10:00 GMT

Our Current Task: A Day to Uplift Women

We Told StoriesI was speaking with a friend in her kitchen the other night.  We were communing like women do in shared activity.  We cooked, then ate, then washed and dried dishestogether.&n...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:01:00 GMT

L.A. Artists Unite to Celebrate Human Rights & Promote Mother’s Day Radio!

"With Freedom of Expression Comes a Brighter Future" (Los Angeles, CA)  With international headlines laden with war, famine, and issues of corruption, never before has the need for upholding our ...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 23:32:00 GMT

Check out this event: Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats & Rhymes Screening & More!

Hosted By: Mothers Day Radio When: Saturday Oct 13, 2007 at 10:00 AMWhere: Culture & Language Academy of Success110 E. Nutwood StreetInglewood, CA 90301United StatesDescription:Mothers Day Radio Clic...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 20:30:00 GMT

Get up King! Get up Queen!

Anybody listen to the radio lately?   Hmm.  They calling yo mama a ho. ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />  Were you listening?   Or were...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 13:08:00 GMT

Mamas of the Universe

To our supporting Mothers and Fathers, Sisters and Brothers of Community; and to the Mamas of the Universe... YOU are a part of a powerful movement.  YOU are at the forefront of societal expansio...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 20:22:00 GMT

Woman, Take Your Place

MDR Women's Circle Presents&   "WOMAN, TAKE YOUR PLACE"   A multigenerational women's discussion forum and workshop on the positive values and characteristics of womanhood that the community...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 20:41:00 GMT