Having fun with Tobacco sound and the peaches...music, rock'n'roll, my precious and real 2 or 3 friends. my band: THE RONNIE ROCKETS: www.theronnierockets.com, myspace.com/theronnierockets guitar,people,gomina...
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4Le King, Muddy Waters, Spiderman, Brian setzer, Chet Atkins, Lightin' Hopkins, Alan Wilson...
Generate your own contact table!
Runnin' Wild, Hipbone Slim and the Kneetremblers, Reverend beat man, Lightnin' beat man, Desperado 5, The Sharks, the Quakes, Red hot and blue, Space cadets, the Trashmen, Ronnie Self, Ronnie Dawson, Gene Vincent, Elvis, Charlie Feathers, Rip Carson and the twilight trio, Hillbilly Hellcats, Omar and the string boppers, Don Cavalli, the Rio Rockers, The Ghastly Ones, Los straightjackets, The Kilaueas, Nu Niles, High Noon,... the real and wild old rockabilly, primitive blues and surf sound. img src="http://ursispaltenstein.ch/blog/images/uploads_img/shag _the_art_of_josh_agle_3.jpg"
David Lynch filmo, Jim Jarmush, Tim burton, Scorsese, Eastwood, Horror movies with bloody teenagers, cuttin' heads, smashin' brains, scary creatures...img src="http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e48/rennloa/Hu-Hula2. jpg"
Fante, Bukowski, Burroughs, Hubert selby jr, Thomas Pynchon, J.L Borges, Italo Calvino, Kafka, Balzac, Hugo, Brady Udall, Lipovetski....
the amazing SPIDERMAN, (Wolverine sucks...)