i am a purple forest child. i like hanging out in cemeteries. i dunno why, don't care. just how it is.
i make chocolate with flowers and berries. i also make soap.
quantum physics. quantum electrodynamics . taoist fishing methods. chinese shoes. visiting cemeteries. disrupting social convention. jaded sarcasm and bitterness. maintaining equanimity- being unmoved by external phenomena. faerie dance steps. vampire lullabies. whispers in moonlight. elfin music. pooka boos. causing weather problems. stirring the cauldron. harmonius chimes. clanging pots and pans at 3am on a weeknight. using power tools when drunk. climbing up on old nasty rickety wooden ladders that look exceedingly dangerous and ought never be used, especially when they are placed precariously in a position worthy of a gasp. doing what should not be done at home. synchronicity . the story of isis and osiris. the alice in wonderland kaleidoscope. concurrent lifetimes. carpentry. the children of danu. special and general relativity . intelligent design. electronic music. slipjigs and reels. phi- the golden number.
stargazing. uncovering evidences of advanced pre-modern civilisation. abhidhamma . tuatha de danann. chocolate . cider . wine. fiddle . harp. meowmeow. ballet. dancing faerie. Socks on chicks and chicks on fox.
frugivorousness (fruitarianism)- 'tis the proper diet for humans and elves too. ask darwin (esp on the elves part /nod). look at basically every other primate's diet on the planet if you are too daft to accept this.(minimum of 2/3 fruit) fruit is magical energy given to us by its creator to nourish our entire being. it is the creation of the union of earth and sunlight together, thru a tree creature- trees being the most advanced life form on the planet.
every other food source involves killing something and interrupting its life cycle. think roots: (carrots and such)- the plant is pulled up before it goes to seed, thus never fulfilling its purpose, nor completing its life cycle. with fruit- we ASSIST in the life cycle of another life form, and that is pretty darn cool. does wonders for elevating consciousness.
Likes: music- most of all creating it, magic, rain and everything about it, faerie, stars, the cat, trees, the fiddle, french skivvies, chocolate, brandy (really a lot), cider, absinthe, loving relationships, cemeteries at night- both alone and with others, making love in the cemetery, drinking, the pub, dancing, painting (oils or water), writing, candles, emptiness, being with just the one girl and opening to and sharing with eachother, bubbles!, the dimension just behind the scenes of the one most are stuck in, blue lips, spontaneity, nobility, living life in constant meditation, the stillness within motion, biting her neck, tasting her pheremones, meows, calling things for what they are, when people squirm when i do this, running thru sprinklers at night, silk scarves, honour, loyalty, mutually wished-for monogamy, wearing makeup, shiny boots of leather, chocolate, kung fu, clothes shopping- especially scoring sweet deals on clearance, elfquest, teasing girlcats, having fingernails run lightly across my skin, the occasional cup of strong dark black coffee, mushin, classic goths, peter murphy's and nick cave's music, chocolate, candlelight, glow-in-the-dark fingernailpolish, pants with lots of pockets that close, black vinyl clothing, artichokes, the dark half of the year (samhain to beltienne) striped socks, humour, lightheartedness, incense, esp- nag champa, the 303 bass, the 808 and 909 kick drums, cloves , spellcasting, how i am when drunk, fishnet stockings, tall black boots, little chinese shoes, bare feet, dancing in the rain, the feline, how i am when totally sober, colours- especially purple blue and green and as of late- a tremendous obsession with red, feeling my blood flow thru my veins, smelling your blood flow thru your veins, not giving a shit what anyone thinks of me, people that appreciate this and just love me for me being me- so i feel totally comfortable to just do anything (and then see the one just before this again), loving others for whoever they are, yoga, swordfighting, archery, people i can say anything to and they will not get mad or run away, when people run away, people who consciously exist simultaneously in multiple reality levels especially the main 'behind the scenes' reality, aries, leos, scorpios, pisceans, capricorns, the other 8 or 9 astro signs, making webpages, having imaginary conversations with people in my head, pirates, stillness, riding horses bareback, sitting up on top of really tall mountains, sitting up really really high in trees, suckling at the jade gate, cold weather, maple syrup, rollercoasters, autumn, freeze-dried rambutan, pens that light up when i write, movies (especially ones that i cannot figure out 10 minutes into), pippi longstocking, friends i can just hang out with and talk to and look over at and just see another me on a similar path to mine, elevator rides, anything that makes me feel, the golden elixir of immortality, fearlessness, cuddling up in front of the fireplace, winter, watermelon, oranges, playing the game of 'dizzy' (the all new timeless interdimensional transcendental version), berry cider, mary jane, warm blankets, rum, whiskey, stars, cayenne pepper, doing whatever the hell i want to, fruit, wine, laughing, being in love, november, avocadoes, running as fast as i can thru darkness, being in boats, freedom, spanking cats, biking around at 3am, riding on trains, biking when drunk, singing out loud while biking drunk, singing out loud while biking drunk passing wine back and forth with a friend, ending up at a park while drunk with a friend and sitting in the swings still drinking and just rambling about whocareswhat, big blue bear beautiful baboon blowing bubbles biking backward, fox in socks on box on knox, quick trick chick stacks, tweedle beetle bottle battles, not thinking, candlelight, cider, feeling, mistletoe, stars, j.r.r. tolkien, the night, thunder, moon, ocean, chocolate, hearses and vans- any auto you can comfortably sleep in, 6/8 and 7/8 and 9/8 time signatures, jigs, slipjigs, reels, twilight. lightning, clouds, thunder, rain- everything is better when it rains, rainy days and nights, rain clouds, overcastness, fog, snow, sleet, hail, ancient norse and celts and their mythology, egyptian mythology, laughing, free unhindered self expression, the subtleties that many miss like the feel of carpet beneath the toes the temperature/sound of the water in the shower the feel of fishnets against my skin and all around me; answering people honestly when they ask me how i am- even if the answer is "i feel like jumping off a cliff", losing myself totally so i am just dizzy and bluzzy, dreams with the vampires, h.p. lovecraft, tantric sex & orgasms- losing all concept of time and space and everything catapulting into strange pulsating gong sounds of another world ;), wool socks, leonardo da vinci, straightforward honest directness, when i confront that which needs confronting, wearing my snow boots everywhere all winter, being rude when it is needed, when people take offense to me just being myself, having a refrigerator within reach of my bed, the interdependence of the five aggregates, looking at people's shoes, hanging out at airports, almond champagne, mistletoe tea, sipping maple syrup from shotglasses, spelling stuff however i feele liek, teasing her so until she is so crazed she finally just pulls me in, answering people 'it is friday' when they ask why i am dressed how i am- especially when it is monday, telling people 'i have never been, i only AM' when they ask how i been, tearing out the guts of small live mammals with a fork and.. heh.. just kidding.. seeing if you payin attention.... discovering myself and everyone else, scaring the conservatives in this city with my mere presence, being creepy to dumb people, getting off on others needless fear or dislike of me, disrupting the programmed social pattern, laughing when people think i am egotistical simply because i am being honest with my abilities and know myself and can admit that i love myself, being open and honest in particular about my "bad" qualities, oh and.. just doing whatever the hell i feel like, with no thoughts about it, and no care about what others think. i dunno. i just watch what i do the most and look at how i feel to figure out what i like :) i like being a ratbastard- i am happiest then. i love dancing until i collapse. i really really like chocolate. and that is just about all things i really like that i have been able to think of!
Dislikes: lies. dishonesty. cowardice. lack of honour. passive aggression. conspiracy. abortion. lack of respect for differences. acting out of fear, judgmentalness, living without love. liars. ...casual sex, "free" love, people who fuck with my relationships with others and other people's heads. idle gossip, people who talk behind other's backs. all forms of socially condoned murder. puritans. people who are afraid of 'darkness' and shun it and therefore create it. being a chickenshit. people who are loyal to precepts and imaginary gods rather than to their very real friends. guys who have sex with really drunk girls or in any way take advantage of a woman's emotional state, or simply disconsider it, this includes rapists and guys who have sex with girls on the rebound. the roman empire- both its past and its present incarnation, the repression of the invidivual spirit. mind control. dominant realities that are enforced upon the populace. people who claim to be good and light but actually are just as or moreso manipulative as those they show disdain for and are in fact worse because they attempt to conceal it or are not even aware that they do it. when i care what others think of me. being numb. direct sunlight. oxygen hungry metals. destructive thought patterns, being messed up from past events which messes up my life, hurts me and hurts the ones i love; the fact that so many people stay away from those who are good for them and cling to that which is harmful just because they are familiar with it and afraid of something better- or feel so terrible about themselves that they likewise cling to pain, also those who do the opposite and run from the pain; when people are so trapped in the mind that they are unreachable. duality. stepping in gum or glass. ageism (the idea that me and a consenting female should not be fucking or even associating based solely on that she was born x years after/before me or that someone knows more then another simply based on how many trips they have taken round the sun), projective assumption (example- i am seen with younger female- people assume we are fucking/dating or some other crap- particularly hilarious when i am with my sister) the illegality of certain substances and practises that are victimless, laughing or smiling because it is socially appropriate (courtesy laugh) or anything 'socially appropriate' including the very concept of it- it is restrictive of free unhindered self expression. guys inappropriately touching my girl, when girls that one asks out give vague ambiguous answers rather than a definite yeah or no, when girls i am just being friendly with assume i am hitting on them and are unable to conceive that i am not after what is between their legs, the male as programmed by modern society, the female as programmed by modern society. people in general. the ridiculously tiny myspace windows for editing this. when i do not confront that which needs confronting. oh.. and the fact that girls get all the pretty underwear- guys underwear is boring.. i demand more exciting underwear! NUMBER ONE DISLIKE: in self- self doubt, there is nothing worse. it kills me. godhonestly nothing is worse then self-doubt. it creates the worst of everything. it is the destroyer of all that is helpful and real. in others: Lies- you all can just die now please, or better yet, live your life having to live with your cowardly snively stinking dishonourable selves- hah!.......also i dislike sticky complicated relationships of any sort- ones where control and fear are more of the exchange rather than love and acceptance. standardised spelling- i say if i can read what you wrote then it is spelled corektly! who cares what some guy named webster thought?....when people answer the phone when asleep or busy and then get upset with me for calling, rather than realising that they did not need to answer, people who try to force others to do anything- esp. men trying to control women and change them into something they do not truly wish to be, and i also dislike women who allow this to happen and then blame the men whom they permitted to do so. people wanting me to be anything other than what i am. ego. strong perfumes and colognes- if you smell too strongly i do not trust you for you are hiding something if you masque your smell so (i trust my nose). when my keyboard destroys my disk containing all the music i have made for the past 2 weeks and i have no backup. hard drive crashes. ground loops that create background hum. wiccans. body piercings. cheap chocolate. darwinian evolution. asshat kids who think they know it all and are buddhas. trying to reason with a paranoid delusional.
"what we are now comes from the thoughts of yesterday.
our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow.
our life is the creation of our mind." - siddartha sakyamuni buddha
nobody. go away. shoo shoo. other than that- i am okay with encountering honest, honourable, noble beings. faerie of every sort, dedicated to manifesting its reality, or simply finding the best place to keep the chocolate. faerie including but not limited to elves, piskies, boggarts, boggles, whisps, goblins, trolls, gnomes, and dwarves. no pookas allowed- unless you are a pooka, or know one, or have one following you that you cannot get rid of no matter how hard you attempt to do so. carry-on pookas are okay too, as are pocket pookas and backpack pookas, visible or invisible. ...emanating stars... faerie-friend humans who mend our broken wings with their kind and noble hearts and deeds. his noble majesty sir baron lord king biddliglumph pakkitaka mumumi artifice hurhoo the pooka the 437th, sovereign of all he cannot sleep thru nor remember, heir to the throne of her greatness baroness our lady queen idlibiddli goglishwish pookaboo the 133th, sovereign of all she cannot dream nor perceive. that one guy from that film that one year with that one girl who sings that one song and dances in that film. you know, that guy who does that thing. bitches, bastards, wankers, foobs and asshats. after all, those doinks are a hellatonna fun to mess with for mine amusement.
those who understand causality, or wish to learn about it.
people with some sort of integrity, who won't try to use one thing against me then do it themselves 2 days later. people who keep their word and are loyal to friends.
on the converse, people who refuse to change at all and stick obstinantly to things are also silly and can stay home, please. really i'd like to meet my mind so i can figure out who i'd like to meet. oh wait! this IS my mind. it is all i have to work with! what AM i going to do now?
mayhaps people who understand the depth and meaning of balance. once i meet you, we can sit at the beach drinking absinthe, then shoot of fireworks over tea while discussing the present problems of society or the scent of lilies.
and i would hellaluv to meet ivan doroschuk and david lynch and david bowie.
actually, i would only like to meet other taoists. if you are not a taoist, please fuck right off- unless you are a buddhist, christian, pagan, jew, muslim, atheist, agnostic, or something else entirely- in which case, we can talk. especially if you like wool socks.
i've never gone out of my way to meet anyone. i have full faith that anyone i need to meet or that needs meet me- will come my way, and sure enough, it happens. but that is just because i am so darned cool that i need seek nothing- it all comes right to my doorstep. well, either that or i am just lazy, and i do not give a pin which.
most people are not worth meeting anyhoo. i'd just as soon throw them to the wolves.
"when we realise that we have no ego, that ego or self is nothing but interdependence, that we are exactly and no more than the result of the influence of our environment, that in all this there is no room for a me, that our life is without permanent substance- then we are open to the dimensions of the cosmos, we can receive its energy and we can create.
open your hands and you will receive everything, even material things. don't be afraid; that is satori."- taisen deshimaru
disclaimer: the following is not here to in any way gain sympathy, consolence, nor pity, nor make a political statement nor moral judgment. it is here as a signpost for travellers. "danger! do not enter! stay away!" nothing more. this is here because i value the psychological well-being of women. tyvm. any judgments on me and other similar bullshit, i refer you to mickey's hand signal. or mayhaps the above video. tyvm
the heart of every one of us begins to beat within 3 weeks after conception. this means that 1 week past the first day of a missed period- your child has a beating heart. s/he also has a 3-lobed brain at this time. this is easily researched biological fact. therefore all abortions stop a beating heart.
"we must courageously face the fact - finally - that human life of a special order is being taken (in the process of abortion) and since the vast majority of pregnancies are carried successfully to term, abortion must be seen as the interruption of a process that would otherwise have produced a citizen of the world. denial of this reality is the crassest kind of moral evasiveness." - dr bernard nathanson, founder of NARAL
my unborn child was put to death in december, 2004, just before x-mas. i was not told until october, 2005. it did not hit me until the end of january- my baby is dead. never to be known, never to be held. never to be seen. just fuckin dead and gone forever.
induced abortion is so against nature that our minds are simply incapable of dealing with it. that was the only thing a great tao master said when i mentioned it to him: "it is unnatural." damn straight. counters wu-wei like nothing other. i've never had my balance disrupted so. it utterly broke, and then hardened my heart. abortion is the most disturbing and unnatural act there is. and it is the single most self-destructive action a woman can ever take. nothing ruins mental, psychological, and emotional well-being as much as abortion. i watched helplessly a woman i loved go crazy because of it and watched myself go mad as well. i have seen the damage in many others. in addition, abortion on demand encourages irresponsible sexual behaviour, especially on the male's part. the modern male has degraded from being caring and responsible and raising a child of his seed, to pressuring a girl into abortion.
abortion hands you a lifetime tainted with sorrow and regret, fucked up minds, anger and hardened hearts. you cannot possibly know until you go there, and may you never know. ... your most precious diamond, lost forever.
if you were born after january 22 1773- you are lucky to be here. 1 in 4 pregnancies ends in abortion in the united states. your mother might have gotten upset one day, been in a fight with your father, thought "i just cannot have this baby right now," gone in to the nearest 'clinic' and in just 5 to 10 minutes, you are gone forever. you would not be here. your absolutely unique genetic code that makes YOU would have been forever annihilated for a mere 400 dollars. you would never love, cry, dance, or get to take part in the great myspace personals ad! no, you would not come back some other time in some other body- it would not be YOU. that whole idea is opium made to justify wrong action. and this is the case most of the time a woman has an abortion- scared, worried, alone, not thinking clearly. on top of that, in over half of all abortions she is being pressured by boyfriends, parents or 'friends.'
wake up! it is not about "choice." women have abortions when they feel they have no choice! like an animal who gnaws her leg off when caught in a trap...
women deserve a better world than this.
it is all about money. at 4000 abortions a DAY in the united states, the abortion industry earns $1,400,000 every DAY from abortions. tell me it is NOT about money. don't buy into their bullshit. take responsibility for your actions. do not kill your children.
Silent Scream - Slayer
Nightmare, the persecution
A child's dream of death.
Torment, ill forgotten
A soul that will never rest.
Guidance, it means nothing
In a world of brutal time.
Electric, circus, wild,
Deep in the infants mind.
Silent Scream
Bury the unwanted child.
Beaten and torn
Sacrifice the unborn.
Shattered, another child
Bearer of no name.
Restrained, insane games
Suffer the children condemned.
Scattered, remnants of life,
Murder a time to die.
Pain, sufferaged toyed,
Life's little fragments destroyed.
Silent Scream
Crucify the bastard son.
Beaten and torn
Sanctify lives of scorn.
Life preordained
Humanity maintained.
Extraction termination
Pain's agonizing stain.
Embryonic death,
Embedded in your brain.
Suffocation, strangulation,
Death is fucking you insane.
Nightmare, the persecution
A child's dream of death.
Torment, ill forgotten
A soul that will never rest.
Innocence withdrawn in fear.
Fires burning can you hear
Cries in the night.
no profile is compleate without a silly quiz section!
You scored as Angel. Angel: Angels are the guardians of all things, from the smallest ant to the tallest tree. They give inspiration, love, hope, and positive emotion. They live among humans without being seen. They are the good in all things, and if you feel alone, don't fear. They are always watching. Often times they merely stand by, whispering into the ears of those who feel lost. They would love nothing more then to reveal themselves, but in today's society, this would bring havoc and many unneeded questions. Give thanks to all things beautiful, for you are an Angel.
You are a Judge Empath, one who is a "truthsayer". You can tell truth from lies, good from evil. You do not tolerate wrong doing. You are a defender of the good and the innocent. You are kind and merciful but do not play foolish games. (from "The Book of Storms" by Jad Alexander at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Empaths/)
Fallen Angel
starwhisp , david bowie, peter murphy, nick cave and the bad seeds, covenant, the cruxshadows, the cure, siouxsie and the banshees, the sisters of mercy, this mortal coil, concrete blonde, cocteau twins, skinny puppy, men without hats, centrifugal force, enya, switchblade symphony, freezepop, mors syphilitica, the stone roses, his infernal majesty, XTC, mike scott, the waterboys, the velvet underground, fields of the nephilim, poi dog pondering, mortiis, bauhaus, christian death, rudimentary peni, type o negative, the aphex twin, dramarama, adam ant, frank sinatra, my bloody valentine, love and rockets, river city people, inkubus sukkubus, the legendary pink dots, r.e.m., rush, the mission, the jesus and mary chain, camper van beethoven, fairport convention, ronan hardiman, flogging molly, peatbog faeries, lots of techno artists you've never heard of including dj dick, pod; ludwig van beethoven, pytor tchaikovsky, edvard grieg.
.........but mozart can go away. nobody went to his funeral anyhow.
who cares about my fave music? whatsit matter?
my top albums ever, regardless of genre:
bloodletting - concrete blonde
pop goes the world - men without hats
pomegranate - poi dog pondering
hours - david bowie
reality - david bowie
disintegration - the cure
wish - the cure
room to roam - the waterboys
cacophony - rudimentary peni
favouritest bestest songs ever (added to as i recall or encounter them in no particular order)
the ash grove - traditional welsh
tears - the cruxshadows
bron y'aur - led zeppelin
people ain't no good - nick cave
plastic stars - freezepop
just like heaven - the cure
catacombs - poi dog pondering
storms in africa - enya
the sacrament - his infernal majesty
absolute beginners - david bowie
temple of love - sisters of mercy
plainsong - the cure
she bangs the drums - the stone roses
pale blue eyes - the velvet underground
into my arms - nick cave
fond affections - this mortal coil
song to the siren - this mortal coil
trust - kmfdm
still warm - dramarama
Winterborn (This Sacrifice)
Dry your eyes and quietly bear this pain with pride
For heaven shall remember the silent and the brave
And promise me, they will never see, the fear within our eyes
We will give strength to those who still remain
So bury fear for fate draws near and hide the signs of pain
With noble acts, the bravest souls endure the heart's remains
Discard regret, that in this debt a better world is made
That children of a newer day might remember, and avoid our fate.
And in the fury of this darkest hour we will be your light
You've asked me for my sacrifice and I am Winter born
Without denying, a faith is come that I have never known
I hear the angels call my name and I am Winter born
Hold your head up high-for there is no greater love
Think of the faces of the people you defend
And promise me, they will never see the tears within our eyes
Although we are men with mortal sins, angels never cry
So bury fear for fate draws near and hide the signs of pain
With noble acts, the bravest souls endure the heart's remains
Discard regret, that in this debt a better world is made
That children of a newer day might remember, and avoid our fate.
And in the fury of this darkest hour we will be your light
You've asked me for my sacrifice and I am Winter born
Without denying, a faith in God that I have never known
I hear the angels call my name and I am Winter born
And in the fury of this darkest hour
I will be your light
A lifetime for this destiny
For I am Winter born
And in this moment...
I will not run, it is my place to stand
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands
And in our Dying
We're more alive-than we have ever been
I've lived for these few seconds
For I am Winter born
And in the fury of this darkest hour
We will be the light
You've asked me for my sacrifice
And I am Winter born
Without denying, a faith in man
That I have never known
I hear the angels call my name
And I am Winter born
Within this moment now
I am for you, though better men have failed
I will give my life for love
For I am Winter born
And in my dying I'm more alive, than I have ever been
I will make this sacrifice for I am Winter born
tears - the cruxshadows
reaching out in deadened night,
emptiness by candlelight,
memory a haunted sea,
souring in sudden rage,
the damage plagued upon my love,
driven by this selfish urge,
to separate yourself from me,
but not the way you planned,
the gambit flow of shifting thought,
shall ride a kiss upon my cross,
and with each moment of despair,
lay to heart a lovely tear.
within each bulb the salty sea,
swims an ocean silently,
swims the forest of my dreams,
swims the essence of my being
come ringing back now,
(can't explain),
the measures swept away in pain,
hatred will i escape your grasp,
buried feelings let me pass.
i cannot kill this final flame,
the fire that once consumed my heart,
for hope must have some kind of fuel,
and chance must keep this fire.
reduced to ashes, we run colder on the outside. a spartan hope that dwindles near the source of this contempt. what has my hopeful certainty for the future returned upon my desperation and difficult memory, besides wasted moments, whose questions are not resolved? simple things went un-addressed until such time as they could only pass away. losing you shall forever mark my breast. Injury knows no justice.
swimming out with tears in my eyes
looking for the shore,
i hope that this is the last time...
i hope that this is the last time...
Painters wtf is there no painters section here? oh yah.. because there is not enough culture in people to put that on a giant personals add... anywho.... gerard dimaccio . leonardo da vinci. raphael. alan schwartz. h.r. giger...
tideland. the guatemalan handshake. harold and maude. fight club. the life aquatic with steve zissou. rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead. cemetary man. the gods must be crazy. run lola run. the illusionist. slipstream (the hopkins one). anything and everything by david lynch- blue velvet. inland empire. mulholland drive. wild at heart. knocked up. the science of sleep. eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. mirror mask. pan's labyrinth. i <3 huckabees. el topo. holy mountain. breakfast on pluto. memento. labyrinth, the princess bride and at least 20 dozen others that everyone likes and can attempt to connect with eachother by saying "omg! i love that film too! we must be soulmates!!" /gag.
most films with johnny depp in them but not that chocolate factory disaster. the adventures of baron munchausen. erik the viking. finding neverland. after hours. juno. the final cut (2004). lost in translation. deathproof. the crow. the harry potter films. snatch. big fish. serendipity. the fountain. the royal tennenbaums, the dark crystal, twelve monkeys, all lord Of the rings films, donnie darko, underworld, underworld: evolution, pirates of the caribbean, no rest for the brave, hard candy (this girl best conveys what being with a certain former gf was like- no joke). american beauty. rat race. falling down. time bandits. four rooms. cube 1 and cube 2 and even cube 3. clue. clerks. chocolat. gothic. reservoir dogs. i love you alice b toklas, moulin rouge, hellraiser 2, mallrats, love actually, edward scissorhands, the red violin, much ado about nothing, the mexican, dead again, the indiana jones films, all star wars films. anger management, closer, interview with the vampire, kill bill (both), rain, existenz, the thomas crown affair, ocean's eleven, ocean's twelve, maverick, lock stock and two smoking barrels, heist, the italian job, the matrix, legend (directors cut), jacob's ladder, benny and joon. fear and loathing in las vegas, pi, the burbs, the brave little toaster, dead again, the burbs, alice in wonderland, everyone says i love you, finding nemo, willy wonka and the chocolate factory, the twin peaks tele series + fire walk with me, ferris bueller's day off, the linguini incident, heathers, the breakfast club, mallrats, the serpent and the rainbow, the rocky horror picture show, the meaning of life, meet the parents, the life of brian, the holy grail, the mask of zorro, sin city, punch-drunk love. and.... i do not count it amongst my faves- but 'waking life' is a must-see. it's kinda boring but good for mind expansion for some, it was all old news to me. i hate thinking, after all ...... + some more i need my friends to remind me of :)....... i like mindfuck/existential films, movies about thieves and/or tricks and traps, romantic comedies, messed up drama, terry gilliam, david lynch, quentin tarantino, and films with brad pitt, johnny depp, antonio banderas, or tom hanks in them (except legends of the fall, i did not really like that one) the preceding was presented somewhere betwixt order of enjoyment and no particular order. oh and i really like that part in blade where blood rains from the ceiling. my DISLIKES are "epic" films. bleh. other than lotr, no thank you.
now stop reading my damned favourite movies and take it for what it is here for- PLENTY of suggestions as to something to do other than myspace. omg! git! visit your local video rental store NOW!..
"the most powerful weapon is called the TV and they say that's entertainment" (ivan d)television is the most prevalent means of mind control today. advertisement in all of its forms comes next. there is a reason television line-up is referred to as "programming." this is exactly what it is. funny how some things hide right out in the open, yes? myspace is much the same. watch the adds you usually ignore. think about what their constant presence does to your mind. note its state of purity upon bedtime.and with that- a few shows that have caught my attention over the years- i never watch while on the air, only the dvds
TWIN PEAKS- the best television series, ever. no contest.
i recently discovered a strong liking for "dead like me." the show kicks ass. taoist wisdom abounds. before that it was "ghost whisperer" and then again- last time i watched the entire 2nd season over a few days straight. i was told the writer of the show actually can speak with the departed, and after watching this show a while and seeing the insights into the psyche, i'd say there is something to that. after this i chain-watched all seasons of '6 feet under' which despite having waaaay too much onscreen kissing, which rain is repulsed by- were very good, and overall much worth the many hours of my life it took to watch them- it was all about the final episode. i liked the 2nd generation twilight zones. star trek was the win, voyager, next generation, deep space nine, original- for order of preference. twin peaks really was the shit tho, you cannot beat a buddhist director. nothin has even come close to touching it since, nor will it ever.
in the cartoon land i am partial to family guy and futurama- it's all about bender, baby!
rest of it is trash. sorta like myspace.
'the neverending story' by michael ende. everything by hp lovecraft and jrr tolkien. elfquest. the chronicles of narnia. the zen teachings of bodhidharma. everything by dr. suess, in particular "horton hears a who" - 'because a person is a person no matter how small' - that guy sure knew his stuff....and fox in socks. anything by pema chodron or his holiness the dalai lama (tho i heard that guy is a real wanker- tell him his old monitor sucks and he can have it back! (yes, i really do have his old monitor)). the tibetan book of the dead. 'einstein's universe' is a good one for forming a basic understanding of general and special relativity and i recommend anyone with any sort of intelligence approaching elfin read it!
"aborting america" by bernard nathanson, "pro life answers to pro choice arguments" by randy alcorn, "lime 5" by mark crutcher. read these for a reality check. for real- they are a double shot of espresso- bitter, but does the job. also check out any medical text on embryology. i recently picked up "the developing human" by moore and persaud.
"The Rat sculled smartly across and made fast. Then he held up his forepaw as the Mole stepped gingerly down. ..Lean on that!' he said. ..Now then, step lively!' and the Mole to his surprise and rapture found himself actually seated in the stern of a real boat...This has been a wonderful day!' said he, as the Rat shoved off and took to the sculls again. ..Do you know, I..ve never been in a boat before in all my life.'..What?' cried the Rat, open-mouthed: ..Never been in a--you never--well I--what have you been doing, then?'..Is it so nice as all that?' asked the Mole shyly, though he was quite prepared to believe it as he leant back in his seat and surveyed the cushions, the oars, the rowlocks, and all the fascinating fittings, and felt the boat sway lightly under him...Nice? It's the ONLY thing,' said the Water Rat solemnly, as he leant forward for his stroke. ..Believe me, my young friend, there is NOTHING--absolute nothing--half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."
this guy -"i just go with the flow"
magical trevor . special agent dale cooper. nyarlathotep the crawling chaos. my mother for giving me life. my father. my son. my brothers, sisters, and true friends. racecar and sadie. miike. every women who never chooses abortion, including those who adopt out. every woman who succumbed to the great lie of abortion and then openly speaks up about it to let others know the reality. every person who educates people on the reality of abortion despite being razzed constantly by "enlightened" "free" people who are just blindly following propaganda fed to them- just like the people they disdain. every man who is courageous and supports his woman thru an unplanned pregnancy, thus taking responsibility for his own actions. robert lowitz. siddartha the buddha. jesus. bodhidharma. jrr tolkien. dr. seuss. lao-tsu. yoda. mithrandir. the eldar. black bart roberts
"when that spell is broken, the dreamgates will be open, and we'll be speaking the unspoken"- ivan doroschuk
peter murphy
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.†dr. seuss
j.r.r. tolkien
"if everyone is going to be so damned adult, then who the hell will sing in gardens at night when the moon is tender and the west wind stirs the lotos-buds?"- howard phillips lovecraft
"do or do not, there is no 'try'"-
gary gygax
special agent dale cooper
bender bending rodriguez
C'est etrange, mais oui - c'est vrai..