Underbed Monsters profile picture

Underbed Monsters

Do you want a song of glory Well I'm fucking screaming at you

About Me


Welcome to the only official myspace for Underbed Monsters! Please visit our website at www.underbedmonsters.com .April Violence: interviews, articles, overall babbling
Alice Massacre: art, photography Valley Vicious: editor, articles Cole Cruelty: art, webmaster email us at underbedmonsters@gmail.com IM us on AIM! underbedmonsters

My Interests

Writing, music, art, photography.

I'd like to meet:



The Boogieman.

My Blog


PEOPLES!!!!!!our website, underbedmonsters.com is up && running for y'all!Go check it out, and dont forget to sign up for our forum, Tribunal.Love.UM...
Posted by Underbed Monsters on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 11:00:00 PST

What's under your bed?

Hey guys!As you know, Underbed Monsters"  means we live under people's beds...So, we decided to go ahead and ask some of our favorite people to look under their bed and tell us what they found.Wa...
Posted by Underbed Monsters on Thu, 31 May 2007 02:58:00 PST

Underbed Monsters Interview With Nathan Lazzara!

Hey guys!Its Alice Massacre"  This is the interview i had with this really amazing & talented guy...Nathan Lazzara! If you want to Listen to his songs (which by the way are great!, go to www....
Posted by Underbed Monsters on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 06:24:00 PST

Are we really that angry?

Are we really that angry?by AprilThis is what our youth wants. Violence, murders and massacres. At least in theory, that is.We want bloody scenes, we want murder scenes. Kids beat each other up in str...
Posted by Underbed Monsters on Tue, 29 May 2007 09:50:00 PST

We can read your mind!

Hey guys, April here..Yes, yes we can! And we know exactly what you're thinking. As long as its PG-rated.Ok ok, first off, no. We're not the Boogyman. But we've met him, he's really cool. Next time yo...
Posted by Underbed Monsters on Mon, 28 May 2007 12:20:00 PST