The PeStThe DickBeaverEaterWhoaMr. TeskyLuke
WARNING - We don't really give a fuck if you try to re-create or attempt any of the shit you see in our videos because we hope that you actually get hurt for being a dumb fucking idiot, make sure your dumbass friends record it and send it to us so we can put it in one of our videos and say "Hey, look at this dumb fucking idiot". However any original and unique content that we have in our videos (which is few to none) is documented and copyrighted, so try your bullshit. BlaKouT Inc. Is not entirely full of smart people, however we do have trained professionals (Stunt-men)-(Not those stupid 14-year old self proclaimed stunt-men, but people who have actually been trained) performing or watching over these stunts. So yeah, go fuck yourself.BlaKouT Inc. IS NOT for the easily offended, so we urge any up-tight pricks to watch our videos, because pissing you off gets us off. Our videos may make mention to or diss - Religion (God, Jesus Muhammed, Buddha) and any other fictional Character you may believe in. Polotics (Fuck republicans, fuck democrats, fuck people who ride the fence) Sex (Gay bashing and/or performing gay acts, fetishes and what not) Race (We do not discriminate against Crackers, Spicks, Niggers, Chinks, Wops, Pollocks, Towel-heads. We are all equally whats wrong with the world.) Drugs (We do lots of drugs) Alcohol (We drink ALOT) Death/Murder/Suicide (Shit Happens) Abortion, Animal Cruelty and anything else under the God-Damned sun the may offend you. We do not feel sorry for you, nor are we trying to be your friends. ENJOY THE VIDS!
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