Pablo Francisco
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(Pete & me)
(On Bear Mt. I think)
Any Music with heart, attitude, or balls. I love the feeling of music dripping down my body making my toe's twitch in pure happiness! Oh yeaa, that just wet my pants! Rush, Led Zeppelin, PanterA, BTB&M, All That Remains, Sublime, AIC, My bud Brett when he sings punk music, fuck I'm too stoned to write this shit, if you're reading this send me some kick ass band names that I may have not heard yet. Love pece and ass kicking!
As a kid I loved "Die Hard", now it kinda blows, Merry fucking Krismyass Bruce.
Adult Swim is always fun, until the anime.... ugh.... That 70's Show, South Park, Scrubs, all the funny ones. I don't really watch TV that often, I'd rather play on my laptop or my guitar, so yea...thats it.
Rats saw God, An Unqueit Mind, Touched With Fire, Emotional Intelligence.