Hello there! My name is pasty! its not my actual name, but id have to kill you if i told you my real one so... cool! im really really loud and love to get completely pissed so bad that it stops hurting and your always pissed, thats me im always out! nice! the boyos are the fuckers to be out with im telling you, you havnt lived untill you've been out with these crazy mofo's! im representin the waunwen massive - stompin for life baby! I play bass and atempt to write music but usually all unfolds into some stupid little silly ass song and a bunch of pissed guys making up words along with it! i love burning people its so much fun! Im in Swansea college, tycoch massive like not the reject lyn y bryn or what ever its called one, studying electronics. thats all i know, simply because the lecture dudes keep changing the corse and now i have no idea what the hell im pasisng for! nevermind though aye! thats about it, if i remeber any more ill slam down like untll next time my hard rockin' amigos -
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