gumboots profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

they call me "the ruckus", actually they don't, but they should! debatting religion, the goddess and social sturcture at really un-comfortable times, yelling at people who litter, an Enviromentalist that drives a big ass gas gussling van, being a contradiction, worrying about the Polar bears, Photography, yoga, snowboarding, surfing, farmgirl in gumboots, Dogs on the beach, wrech beach, teaching myself to laugh more (and it's workin) easy going people, no stress, no limitations, hug's, trust, love, less judgment, more freak's, falling, stubborn, headstrong, break the wall down. love it when women smile at each other, more comunity (cause there is a serious lack of support for how human's are meant to live), nice men, I wish I could see the star's more, sometimes I get so frustrated with the way the world turned out. sitting around the fire with a glass of wine playing a game of some sort, laughing with friends.

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My Interests

Oh my god, I think I might be a romantic, SH*T! Striving to be like Maude,(I've got a long way to go) chess, Guiness at the mo, everybody breathe, no more waste, recycling, composting, vintage shopping, consitency, more women with no judgement, wild succulent women, rock n roll, hippies, beach livin, van livin, wachin the sun set around a bonfire on the beach, midnight ocean swim's, dancin with no ego, people that think diffrently then the norm, adventures, excitment, loveing yourself trusting your gut, trusting your friends to kick your ass when you don't trust your gut, fleetwood mac, I always feel like I missed out on the sixty's, my mom n sister's, family,

I'd like to meet:

definatly people that find me funny. World travellers, animal lovers, day nappers, freedom thinkers, forgiving honest thoughtfull listeners, story tellers, lovers, fire builders, soft touchers, kinky minds, open honest laughers, planet concious, adventures, sensual, confidents!!, eccentrics, originals, delicious, motivaters, people willing to make mistakes,


Bruce Cockburn, jj cale, joni mitchell, bb king, stevie ray vaughn, jimi hendricks, Van morrison, beasty boy's, the root's, eryka badu, Trouble, The Streets, feist, Gnarls Barkley, Gorillas, ween, jose gonzales, Arcade Fire, beduin soundclash, RJD2, Nightmares on wax, the dobbie brothers, gang star, lionel ritchie, kos, lousious jackson, dan burn, folk music, ani difranco, utah philips, paul simon, any old rock n roll from the sixty's n seventy's, bob marley, pete tosh, love the raggea, ben harper,I like allot, Silence is nice too!! sometimes I feel like we are inendated with lights and noise,


An Inconveint truth, Who killed the electric car, Harld and maude, eternal sunshine of a spotless mind, V- for Vendetta!!!!! it's all gone pete tong, city of god, Lord's of dogtown, Crash, Romeo and juliet, lil miss sunshine, Amelie, The never ending story, The labrinth, Hardy Candy, Amelie


arrested development, l-word, sex and the city, discovery channel, ok tv suck's we all know that, but for god sacks it's my industry unfortunatly so I gotta know a lil. I have a small addiction to Greys Anotomy... very very small.


ahhhh, so many, TOM ROBBIN's and JOHN IRVING my favorite, but I go all over the place with book's. MIST"S OF AVOLON, amazing amazing book. FEIRCE INVALIDS HOME FROM HOT CLIMATES!!! The hotel new hampshire, Villa incognito, jitterbug perfume, even cow girls get the blues, The poisionwood bible, The lion the witch and the wardrobe (the whole Narnia series), Vagina monolouges, Succlent Wild women, anything from SARK,


my sister's and brother, and my mom, truly incredable human's

My Blog

massive change

we spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry too quickly, stay up too late, read too little, watch too much TV, and are less considerate. We have multiplyed our possesions,...
Posted by gumboots on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 01:57:00 PST

In a van down by the ocean

In a van down by the ocean    Samantha Grice, National Post Published: Friday, April 07, 2006   Every year at this time, hordes of actors head to Los Angeles in hopes of being c...
Posted by gumboots on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 04:04:00 PST

fingerprints on the heart

  weird and tremendusly delicious with stabbing moments of severe pain. If only there was a way to build  a partnership with someone without losing your ground, or the giggly gerggles in the...
Posted by gumboots on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 11:40:00 PST

castle in the sky

I crave consistency because everything I do in my life is up in a castle in the sky. Everyday I go to work is a completly diffrent day, some da..y's I go and I'm covered in dirt and I'm watching build...
Posted by gumboots on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 09:47:00 PST