JONNIE profile picture


Beat Boy

About Me

Hi people all are welcome.Im based in London and working on my new projects. Creating music is one of my great loves,also love to write lyrics. my first pro. song i wrote was with a band called Bronksl Beat it was called "Hit That Perfect Beat"that went to number two in the uk charts and sold over 250,000in it first few weeks. I've been singing and playing music all my life,first band was called Yellow Jellies from Newcastle Upon Tyne,music imertating art, it was a weeze. Friends of mine formed a band called Bronski Beat,i was totaly knocked out when i first heard the demos in there little flat in south london,and knew thy were on there way up. Such fun was had by all,touring around the country. The singer left,i went into the studio to write some demos with the of the songs was called Hit That Perfect Beat, i got the job, we were on our way again. My next band was called Us,yet again thy were old friends of mine, Angels is one of our tracks for you to listen too. Solo projects came next, Im so hungry,was produced by Larry of was still keeping in touch with the boy's,Steve and i went to Amereic to do gay prides and shoot a new video for Small Town Boy. So to the present day still in touch with Larry and Steve and some members of Us,just spent some time with Steve in Thailand,working on new song's. Jade is song i wrote for my daughter, Steve helped me out with the music,so enjoy my friends,let the beat go on.

My Interests


