Padster profile picture


I'm pushing an elephant up the stairs.

About Me

Bored (100+ Questions)
General Stuff to Know
What is your full name?: Patrick John O'Brien
Where were you born?: Ascot
What is your birthday/age?: 24
Where do you live now?: Slough
What color are your eyes?: Blue
Hair color?: Mousy Blonde
Height?: 6'2"
Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrious?: Righty
What is your Zodiac sign?: Its all bull
What is Your Favorite...
Color?: Purple
Day of the week?: Saturday
Season?: Winter
Time of day?: Chilling time
Place to visit?: Pub
Food?: Christmas Dinner
Ice cream flavor?: Chocolate
Thing to do outside?: Active stuff
What is/are...
Something you hope to accomplish?: A fantastic career
Your biggest accomplishment?: Not achieved it yet
Your worst fear?: Death
Some words/phrases you overuse?: Dude
The best way to spend a day off?: In a pub
Your least favorite thing to have to do?: Bite my tongue
Do you...
Get along with your parents?: Yes
Smoke?: No
Drink?: Yes
Do drugs?: Drinking's my vice
Play an instrument?: No unfortunately
Want to go to college?(if so, where?): Too old
Want to get married?: Maybe
Want to have children?: Yes
Get along with your siblings?: Mostly
Cuss excessively?: Fuck yeah
Talk to yourself?: Rarely
Sing? Well?: Like a chimp being castrated
Your Friends -- Hard Core Questions...
The craziest?: Kareem Alomodeem
The best party boy?: Tony Smith
The sexiest french man?: Damien Dep par rooo
The darkest horse?: Gareth
The worst singer?: Markus Desius Maridius
The best dancer?: Me
The most diabolically evil?: Medlow Man
The biggest tomboy?: Charlotty
The littlest hobo?: Jamie Moos
The kung fu master/shandy man?: Kenny
The biggest queen?: Keithy
The worst scottish impression?: Florent
The most hard core yiddo?: Adam aka Klingy aka Silver Back
The most like Gimli the Dwarf/Joey?: Housie
The most likely to fight Freeeedom!: Danny of the Clan McLeish
If you could...
Go anywhere in the world, where would you go?: Vegas
Have any car you wanted, what would it be?: That 1111hp Bugati from Top Gear
Go on a date with any celebrity, who would it be?: Christina Ricci could be interesting
Have one wish (no wishing for more), what would you wish for?: To have more time for myself
Change ONE thing about yourself, what would it be?: Dunno
Try anything once (hang gliding, skydiving, etc...), what would you choose?: I do often
Murder (or have them offed) one person (no consequences), who would it be?: I'm all about the love man...
Be a superhero, what would your superpower be?: Stop time
Meet any one person, dead or alive, who would it be?: Have a pint with Jonny Vegas
Go back in time and fix one mistake, what would it be?: Your mistakes make you
The last...
Dream you had?: Strange, wierd can't really remember
Nightmare you had?: See above
Time you cried?: Laughing at Jackass the Movie
Movie you saw in the theatre?: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Movie you rented?: Dunno
Person you kissed?: Can't remember
Person you hugged?: My Mum
Person you talked to on the telephone?: A job agency rep
Time you laughed?: At Jules talking about the Raven forums
Curse word you said?: Bitch
Book you read?: The Amber Spy Glass
Place you went?: West Draton
Song you heard?: Lordi - Chainsaw Buffet
CD you listened to?: Gnarls Barkley - St Elsewhere
Person you yelled at?: Tim
Person that yelled at you?: Dunno
Time you played Spin The Bottle?: Years ago
Year you went Trick-Or-Treating?: Years ago
Drink you had?: Tsing Tao
Have you ever...
Cried over a boy/girl?: Yes
Toilet papered someone's house?: No
Egged someone's house?: No
Played strip poker?: No
Had a one-night stand?: Yes
Gone skinny dipping?: No
Been in a fist fight?: Yes
Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No
Lied to your best friend?: No
Told someone something you weren't supposed to tell them?: Yes
Cheated on an exam?: No
Skipped school?: No
Streaked?: No
Kissed a member of the same sex?: No
Started a rumour about someone?: Yes
Stolen anything worth over $100?: No
Your perfect man/woman:: Nice but naughty.
Your best friend in 3 words:: N/A I'm not a teenager
What you wanna be when you grow up:: N/A I'm not a teenager
The next fifteen years of your life:: Dunno
The best day of your life:: Dunno
How you're feeling at this very moment:: Little tired, little hung over
Your favorite thing about yourself:: Me
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My Interests

Pub, Interwang, Films, Reading, Music, Books, Art, Creative Writing, Weight Lifting, Piracy, Airsofting, Poker, Brag, The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Computer Games and Television.


All types of music really. I prefer rock and indi, but will even listen to club music in the right place. Only really don't like produced uninspired pop or RnB tunes. Oh and its all about the D!


Lord of the Rings!!!Oh and loads of other films. Tried listing them and it got silly.


Family Guy, Scrubs, House, Lost, That 70s Show, Never Mind the Buzzcocks, Simpsons, Firefly...


I prefer sci-fi and fantasy books. Read Northern Lights ffs!

My Blog

Boring Space

I do realised my site is currently un-pimped. My usual homage to Stewie Griffin was proving difficult for some people to view. I'm tempted to get my hands dirty and put together a page myself, but I'm...
Posted by Padster on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 06:57:00 PST

Brian Blessed

Possibly the largest character out of all larger than life characters that have ever existed. He is most famous for his role as Prince Vultan in Flash Gordon, but my brother (Timmy) and I think his ac...
Posted by Padster on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 07:23:00 PST


Cheers guys I had a great day, got properly sloshed (special thanks to everyone that brought me a drink). Work is going fine at the council, just incredibly long days. Looking forward to Christmas, ro...
Posted by Padster on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 05:48:00 PST