~Don't let your imagination run wild~aka Mr. eeee! profile picture

~Don't let your imagination run wild~aka Mr. eeee!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Much louder & better-looking in person!Ask me about that, there's an easy explanation...Hey,about my choice of Groups---some are serious, some less thanserious.Question is, which ones belong where? P.S. I gotta payattention better & more often(er)...Who doesn't?Regarding the "FROZEN RURAL" part/section of N.J.Icannot function in either of these, but I lived in both atthe same time~~hard to believe! P.S. One person made a guess as towhere that place is~~~~No, it wasn't the Pine Barrens~nice try, though!

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Get this video and more at MySpace.com

Get this video and more at MySpace.com

Get this video and more at MySpace.com

My Interests

Science, baby-yeah,Science...Most things that will help to expand my mind. (philosophy, cause-and-effect observations). Get ready for those. You came to the right place! -Also- a one-time Psych* major. My college career is currently on indefinite hold.*Note on Psych---I find myself havingto reconsider what my concentration should be. Counseling? Forensic?Any ideas out there? I desperately need some input on this...!

I'd like to meet:

Archimedes, Leonardo(Da Vinci), Squanto, Isaac Newton, Peter Zenger, Alexis De Tocqueville, Sacajawea, Fanny Crosby, Annie Sullivan, John Roebling, Augustus St. Gaudens,Albert Einstein, Alfred Adler, The Wright Brothers, *Nikola Tesla, Vicente Fox, Dr. James Dobson, Dr. Hugh Ross,Josh McDowell, Lee Strobel, David Barton, Chuck Colson, R.C. Sproul, Dr. Ravi Zacharias. (did I miss the boat on those)? Drat! OK, all except for the final nine people. New addition-3-19-2008=Bill Nye the Science Guy. (Hope there's still room on the pile!)!Well, how about Madonna? At least that wouldn't be a REAL long distance phone call... O.K., just kiddin!*(asterisk, right?)---was there REALLY a Tesla Conspiracy? Tell me!!Hope to meet -*YOU*- 'specially!


1. Bwritish wrock and wroll. (Foghat, UH, etc.---there are SOOO many)! 2. European classical. (Offenbach. Voyage to the Moon---Snowflake Ballet). (Von Weber. Bassoon Concerto---Sounds a lot like the (final) spacecraft scene in "Close Encounters"---remember?3. American blues. (SRV, yeah)!


The (original) Time Machine, The*Port-o-San* Story, Air Force One, THE FUGITIVE!(NO kinky---all hinky--- *am i right*?) The Untouchables,Executive Decision. Blazing Saddles,I could take or leave...depends on my mood that day... O.K., in the un-funny category, there is Enemy of the State.Ferris Bueller for "shake my head/I can't believe I'm watching this", kind of funny.**O.K., what's that? (Here you go-Port-o-San is the Woodstock movie. I named it that after a funnyscene. It takes me back...you too?)


CSI (now), X-Files (way back when).(Regular) Law and Order, Law and Order: Criminal Intent,60 Minutes, American Experience, NOVA, The Endless Voyage-(oceanography program), History Detectives, Coral Ridge Hour, In Touch, Faith under Fire.(O.K., you got me~newest additionis House, M.D.---a guilty pleasure).


The Bible, (Gen.chap.3), (Acts chap.7) politics, history, science. Way too many authors to list here. Not TOO much into novels or fiction, but there are a few exceptions, of course...Small list: 1. Scientists who Believe. (Fisher). 2. Philosophers who Believe.*** (Clark). 3. Great American Trials. (Knappman). 4. Mythology. (Hamilton). 5. Tesla: Man out of Time. (Cheney). 6. Euclid's Window. **(Mlodinow). 7.The Search for Significance (McGee). 8. 1776. (McCullough). 9. Krakatoa. (Winchester). 10. America by Train. (Fistell).**note on this one---another book that goes nicely with this, (historically speaking)---is called: The Mystery of the Aleph. (Aczel). Good overall, WATCH thetheology...you'll see why.*** You might want to read "Socrates to Sartre-A History of Philosophy"==Revised 5th Edition== (Stumpf), for some good background and any questions that you might have...


1. Mom. 2. Gov. Schwarzenegger. 3. Terri Schiavo. 4. Joni Eareckson Tada. 5. Desi Arnaz.Oh yeah, about # 2---well, maybe not him specifically, but folks who came to this country with nothing or next to nothing. That's an admirable thing. (Aug. 1, '06)...I saw our Gov. in the newspaper today. He's in a photo with Tony Blair, and they are discussing emissions & global warming. Maybe it exists, maybe it doesn't. What do you folks say? Where is the proof?

My Blog

Brain-teaser time!!!

Hey folks=   See the quote that I have on my Profile? (It's next to the first photo)---   How, would you say, does that relate to my videos on here?...
Posted by ~Don't let your imagination run wild~aka Mr. eeee! on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 04:37:00 PST

My *BURIED* videos!!

Oh, WW!      (Writing on Sat., Apr. 12=skip this stuff and go to today's Blog comment that I posted.  It will clear UP the whole thing...). It turns out that I have 9-count 'em, n...
Posted by ~Don't let your imagination run wild~aka Mr. eeee! on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 04:54:00 PST


Hey everybody,   Did you all have a great Christmas yesterday?  Great!      Now, here's the thing-I'm STILL getting those idiotic messages from folks who don't say much and t...
Posted by ~Don't let your imagination run wild~aka Mr. eeee! on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 01:18:00 PST


Why do people go fishing?  I guess just for the halibut.  There-that needed to be said.  Aren't you glad that you tuned in for today's waqcky  words of whizzdumb?   Now t...
Posted by ~Don't let your imagination run wild~aka Mr. eeee! on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 01:42:00 PST

Off for a few days...

Hey folks,   More than likely, I won't be back on MySpace 'til next week sometime.  It's hard to say.  If you REALLY have to get in touch w/me, then plz use my regular e-mail address:&n...
Posted by ~Don't let your imagination run wild~aka Mr. eeee! on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 01:56:00 PST

Need grammar lessons!

Hi! Once again, I'm taking a break from MySpace- (nothing against them, of course-it's complicated computer stuff...)  I'll be back on here first week of Oct....
Posted by ~Don't let your imagination run wild~aka Mr. eeee! on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 02:04:00 PST

It's time for a ME update...

Hey Folks- I  will not be on Myspace for a little while. Find me at Yahoo Messenger.  My ID there is:                ...
Posted by ~Don't let your imagination run wild~aka Mr. eeee! on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 09:17:00 PST

Who is that on the synthesizer?

I'm referring to the song on my Profile page---the one by U.H. It's a famous person.  Can you guess?  It's not hard, especially if youalready have the answer or looked it up someplace.....
Posted by ~Don't let your imagination run wild~aka Mr. eeee! on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 12:38:00 PST

Business things...

Hi!   I definitely need more contacts here...please re-read my Profile, especially the bottom left. (The networking part)...         Thanks!...
Posted by ~Don't let your imagination run wild~aka Mr. eeee! on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 02:40:00 PST

One thing that I have to say...

again!  Have you read my Blog from Aug. 10 of last year?  Apparently, not enough people are getting it...Why not?
Posted by ~Don't let your imagination run wild~aka Mr. eeee! on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 11:14:00 PST