Farysa profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

legally i am Farysa..i am a self-proclaimed DORK at heart..and nobody will change that!..i am in love with love ..life is so much better.. when you're next to someone you care for..(and yes.. ..he really is amazing)..i honestly don't think i have gone one day without laughter..in fact, my happy-go-lucky persona may annoy some, but i know you're just jealous! haha;)..i'll be there for my friends cuz i know i am THE luckiest gal alive for having ones that i can count on no matter the circumstance..i am indefinitely in debt to my wonderful family who have shown me the true beauty of unconditional love & remind me each and every day of the brighter sideof life.Right now im in UK probably soon i will be back to Malaysia. dont forget to add me- [email protected]

My Interests

quality time with friends and family, catching flicks,bowling,music & people who can play instruments,singing & dancing,partying it up @ THE HOUSE/THE SPOT (my new found habitat haha), new found partner in crime--MR.MUCIO--new people, places and things,taking pictures,arts n crafts,stair master bpsycho,sandy warm beaches,crowded public places,shopping for lots of small things,hot weather,IkEa stores,being in SF,and sleeping and cuddling when its cold/dark outside,musicals..LIKE RENT!lastly, but NOT LEAST grubbing till it hurts!!

I'd like to meet:

i like to meet guys n gurls


All kinds of music appeal to me: Hip-hop, R&B, alternative, rock, punk, pop, some country, musicals, slow jams ..A LOT!What am I listening to currently?..GWEN STEFANI...B-A-N-A-N-A-S!!!


Gees this list is even longer!LOTR trilogy, Matrix trilogy, Pretty Woman, 80s classics(Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in PInk, St. Elmo's Fire), Finding Nemo, Oceans 11, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Best Friend's Wedding, Grease, Wizard of Oz, How to Lose a Guy in 10 days, Honey I Shrunk the Kids, Dumb and Dumber, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Never Been Kissed, Moulin Rouge, Drop Dead Fred, Edward Scissor Hands, Pirates of the Carribean, Garden State, Interview with the Vampire, Bridget Jones' Diary.. dude i can think of hella movies and i'll just keep adding them every day..ahh!


Smallville, Sex and the City, Friends reruns of course..haven't seen Joey yet, Everyody Loves Raymond (junix made me realize it was aight), Extreme Makeover Home Edition, reruns of Will and Grace when I cannot sleep, VH1 shows, Howard Stern, Real World, One Bad Trip, and anything on E!i don't watch tv THAT MUCH anymore anyways..


Tuesdays with Morrie, Amelia Bedelia books, the Babysitter's Club Collection (haha!), Corduroy (that one bear that lost his button), No Good Very Bad Day, Catcher in the Rye, Great Gatsby, the Bernstein Bear collection..umm..notice how they are almost all childhood books with more pictures than words..=P