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I'm so glad that you have come to visit my "myspace" website. WELCOME!
Altho it's my desire to build a site that will be family-friendly, it is beyond my control to choose what you may find on someone else's site, who has linked to mine.
Therefore, please keep in mind that I want this to be a place where you can come to find peace and joy and love and tranquility and comfort. I want people to be drawn closer to Jesus. There are people out there who would want just the opposite for you. I advise you to please use caution while surfing the internet. Ask God to give you direction and discretion and guidance; and He will. The internet can be used for evil. BUT it can, and will also, be used for GOOD!!
Proverbs 3:5-6 says: "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." (New King James Version)
Or, as the Living Bible puts it: "Never tire of loyalty and kindness. Hold these virtues tightly. Write them deep within your heart. If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgement and common sense, then trust the Lord completely; don't ever trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success."
I'm so glad to see that the Name of JESUS keeps popping up everywhere!!! Let's all do what we can to make Jesus famous and popular!! God knows, He deserves it!
Let the Holy Spirit lead you and guide you as you wander around Myspace. He will not take you where He does not want you to go. But you must be obedient to Him. We all need to follow Him just as closely as we possibly can. Be sensitive to His promptings; and then act accordingly.
I pray that His Name will be exalted and lifted high through this..."myspace", which is really "HISspace" to do with as He pleases. Enjoy! If you should see something on my site that troubles you, please send me a message; and I'll do everything I can to correct it. I would never want to do anything that would cause Him shame. Let's all make this an awesome place to "hang out" with Jesus! Blessings!!
Hosted by Sparkle Tags
Two people that I would like to meet are Natalie Cole & Chaka Khan. Hope this happens one day! But, the One I'm most looking forward to meeting is none other than JESUS!!Guess what? I had the wonderful pleasure of meeting Natalie Cole on Sunday, Dec. 17, 2006!! It was SO exciting! See, God truly does answer prayer!!! What a beautiful lady she is!! God bless her! There's someone else I'd love to meet: Gladys Knight! Hopefully, one day...Oh, & Whitney Houston!
Hosted by Sparkle Tags
I like various kinds of music. My first choice would be Gospel music, as it brings me closer to God!
Hosted by Sparkle TagsI HOPE YOU'LL ENJOY THE FOLLOWING MUSIC VIDEOS. THE 1ST ONE IS CHAKA KHAN SINGING "SECRET PLACE". THE 2ND ONE IS LALAH HATHAWAY SINGING "DON'T FORGET TO REMEMBER" (Lalah is the daughter of the late Donny Hathaway - remember all those beautiful songs by Roberta Flack & Donny Hathaway? AND LAST, BUT NOT LEAST, IS TATA VEGA WHO'S SINGING "HOME OVER THE MOUNTAIN". GOD BLESS YOU AS YOU VIEW THESE VIDEOS, AND MAY HE MINISTER TO YOUR HEART THROUGH THEM!!Look what I found!! WHITNEY HOUSTON singing "A Quiet Place" - EXCELLENT!! Her Mother (Cissy Houston) is also in the video - ENJOY!! God BLESS you as you watch!!CHAKA KHAN & ALFONSO RIBEIRO singing "Through The Fire" from Celebrity Duets.
Next, you'll find ANDRAE & SANDRA CROUCH singing "I'm Not Afraid" - hope it speaks to your heart...For all you LILY CRUZ fans out there, here she is singing "Quiero Amarte" with Josh Lopez, Louie Gutierrez, etc. - Enjoy! What a beautiful voice she has!And here's INGRID ROSARIO singing "Always Welcome":
Haven't been to a movie in awhile. I believe the last movie I saw in a theater was "The Passion of Christ", altho I couldn't watch many parts of it - just way too difficult to look at. :-(I'd like to quote the following from "No Wonder They Call Him The Savior" by Max Lucado:
"ALIVE!""Road. Dark. Stars. Shadows. Four. Sandals. Robes. Quiet. Suspense. Grove. Trees. Alone. Questions. Anguish. 'Father!' Sweat. God. Man. God-Man. Prostrate. Blood. 'NO!' 'Yes.' Angels. Comfort.
Footsteps. Torches. Voices. Romans. Surprise. Swords. Kiss. Confusion. Betrayal. Fearful. Run! Bound. Wrists. Marching.
Courtyard. Priests. Lamps. Sanhedrin. Caiaphas. Sneer. Silk. Arrogance. Beard. Plotting. Barefoot. Rope. Calm. Shove. Kick. Annas. Indignant. Messiah? Trial. Nazarene. Confident. Question. Answer. Punch!
Peter. 'Me?' Rooster. Thrice. Guilt.
Proceedings. Court. Rejection. Prosecute. Weary. Pale. Witnesses. Liars. Inconsistent. Silence. Stares. 'Blasphemer!' Anger. Waiting. Bruised. Dirty. Fatigued. Guards. Spit. Blindfold. Mocking. Blows. Fire. Twilight.
Sunrise. Golden. Jerusalem. Temple. Passover. Lambs. Lamb. Worshipers. Priests. Messiah. Hearing. Fraud. Prisoner. Waiting. Standing. Shifting. Strategy. 'Pilate!' Trap. Murmurs. Exit.
Stirring. Parade. Crowd. Swell. Romans. Pilate. Toga. Annoyed. Nervous. Officers. Tunics. Spears. Silence. 'Charge?' 'Blasphemy.' Indifference. Ignore. (Wife. Dream.) Worry. Interview. Lips. Pain. Determined. 'King?' 'Heaven.' 'Truth.' 'Truth?' Sarcasm. (Fear.) 'Innocent!' Roar. Voices. 'Galilean!' 'Galileee?' 'Herod!'
9:00 A.M. Marchers. Palace. Herod. Fox. Schemer. Paunchy. Crown. Cape. Scepter. Hall. Elegance. Silence. Manipulate. Useless. Vexed. Revile. Taunt. 'King?' Robe. Theatrical. Cynical. Hateful. 'Pilate!'
Marching. Uproar. Prisoner. Hushed. Pilate. 'Innocent!' Bedlam. 'Barabbas!' Riot. Despair. Christ. Bare. Rings. Wall. Back. Whip. Slash. Scourge. Tear. Bone. Moan. Flesh. Rhythm. Silence. Whip! Silence. Whip! Silence. Whip! Thorns. Stinging. Blind. Laughter. Jeering. Scepter. Slap. Governor. Distraught. (Almost.) Eyes. Jesus. Decision. Power. Freedom? Threats. Looks. Yelling. Weak. Basin. Water. Swayed. Compromise. Blood. Guilt.
Soldiers. Thieves. Crosspieace. Shoulder. Heavy. Beam. Heavy. Sun. Stagger. Incline. Houses. Shops. Faces. Mourners. Murmurs. Pilgrims. Women. Tumble. Cobblestone. Exhaustion. Gasping. Simon. Pathetic. Golgotha.
Skull. Calvary. Crosses. Execution. Death. Noon. Tears. Observers. Wails. Wine. Nude. Bruised. Swollen. Crossbeam. Sign. Ground. Nails. Pound. Pound. Pound. Pierced. Contorted. Thirst. Terrible. Grace. Writhing. Raised. Mounted. Hung. Suspended. Spasms. Heaving. Sarcasm. Sponge. Tears. Taunts. Forgiveness. Dice. Gambling. Darkness.
Death. Life.
Pain. Peace.
Condemn. Promise.
Nowhere. Somewhere.
Him. Us.
'Father!' Robbers. Paradise. Wailing. Weeping. Stunned. 'Mother.' Compassion. Darkness. 'My God!' Afraid. Scapegoat. Wilderness. Vinegar. 'Father.' Silence. Sigh. Death. Relief.
Earthquake. Cemetery. Tombs. Bodies. Mystery. Curtain. Spear. Blood. Water. Spices. Linen. Tomb. Fear. Waiting. Despair. Stone. Mary. Running. Maybe? Peter. John. Belief. Enlightenment. Truth. Mankind. Alive. Alive. Alive!"
Hosted by Sparkle Tags
I don't watch a whole lot of tv except for TBN & Daystar. Sometimes I'll watch a G, or PG, or "maybe" even a PG14 movie on TV. There's a WHOLE lot of TV these days that I will NOT let my eyes see. I like watching a movie that the whole family can watch & nobody would find it "offensive". Recently, I saw a movie on TBN called "Another Perfect Stranger" which was excellent! I'd seen "The Perfect Stranger" awhile back; and this is like a continuation of that movie - VERY WELL DONE!! Update: I'm getting kinda caught up in American Idol - this is the 1st season I've watched it. I hope and pray that MELINDA DOOLITTLE wins!! She's my choice - has been from the beginning! If you've missed the programs, several of her performances are available to watch on YouTube! She's the BEST! And now I'm looking forward to the start of the new season of American Idol. It's quite addicting. I've listened in to "Moments With Melinda" over the internet a couple times recently & find it quite interesting. I've enjoyed watching American Idol Rewind.
I'm not reading as many books as I used to, altho I always have one going at any given time. They're always books that will build my faith & uplift the Lord Jesus! I finished a book, today, called "A Savior Worth Having" by Pastor E. V. Hill. (Just an update: I recently read Natalie Cole's autobiography "Angel On My Shoulder" - I could not put the book down - what an awesome testimony of the Lord's saving, healing, protecting & delivering power!) There are 4 Devotionals I read daily: "Streams In The Desert"; "Daily Light from the Bible"; "God's Word For Women"; and "Abraham Lincoln's Daily Devotional". But, the most important book I read daily is the Bible - couldn't live without it! Faith comes by hearing; and hearing by the Word of God! Just to update this: I'm currently reading "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" by Joanna Weaver - great book! Today, I read Cindy Trimm's book "Commanding Your Morning" - great reading!
Currently reading "The Most Important Person on Earth" by Dr. Myles Munroe. Do you know "who" that person is?
Lookup a word or passage in the Bible
My biggest hero is JESUS!! They don't get any bigger than that! I hope that He is, also, your hero! WHEN HE WAS ON THE CROSS, YOU WERE ON HIS MIND!JESUS -He had no servants; yet they called Him Master.
Had no degree; yet they called Him Teacher.
Had no medicines; yet they called Him Healer.
Had no army; yet kings feared Him.
Had won no military battles; yet He conquered the world.
He committed no crime; yet they crucified Him.
He was buried in a tomb; yet He lives today!!
Now you know why I love Him so.
Wouldn't you like to follow such a man?
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) "For the wages of sin is death." (Romans 6:23)
"But God demonstrated His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
"Christ died for our sins...He was buried...He was raised on the third day..." (I Corinthians 15:3,4). "Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me." (John 14:6)
"But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even those who believe in His name." (John 1:12)
Make that decision today! Turn to Christ from sin. Receive Him into your life right now, this moment!
"Whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Romans 10:13)
If you have made this decision today, I'd love to hear from you! Send me a Comment to let me know, ok? The angels in heaven are rejoicing, and so am I!!The following is a video I hope you'll enjoy called "I Expect A Miracle" featuring The Clark Sisters, Kim Burrell & Donnie McClurkin.Kim Burrell & The Clark Sisters - I Expect A Miracle
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