Huge Boobs and used to be an interest but they can fucking all die
SOME HOTT ASS GIRL WHO DOESNT CHEAT...IS ITALIAN...LIKES CARS AND BIKES AND ISNT A PRUDE STUCK UP CUNT =)FACTS!!!! If driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with may live in Ohio. hahahahahhahahha
When the water goes Kerrrrr-plunkkkkk !!!!!!!!!!!! now thats music
Debbie does Dallas....she is a fuckin whore
I enjoy watching the food channel on a sunday evening with g-pa. If u care to join....Haha Fuck you
National Geographic I study the way animals poop, The texture, color and smell and whatnot ...LOL
Captain Insano...The band Cake...Whoever invented Boobs is definately my Hero, Bikes...they are fun too