Bethany profile picture


I want a verb and you give me a noun

About Me

I enjoy off-color humor and delight in the rampant use of non-sequiters. I also really like to sing loud and drink coffee, sometimes all at once, sometimes separately. my life seems to constantly exist in a state of genuine flux and chaos...mostly I enjoy it and my state of flux serves me well. Music and Dance (or any ways of moving and feeling the body) are the things that make me most happy.

My Interests

Movement of the human body.... Glucocorticoids, neurons (axons and dendrites), cave-dwelling, consumption of fine cheeses, cacti, eccentric muscle contraction, building anatomy in clay, playing on trapezes, ropes and other things hanging in the air. playgrounds are great too. I like to walk for hours with no destination.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who can teach me some things, make things with me, and inspire me. Puppies, rubber horsies and saguaro cacti. Also, i would very much like to meet many Aqua-Cows, sheepy-piggies, horsie-toads, rhinosausaurus', elephant-kittens, mantalopes etc. Basically just caring individuals.


Tom Waits, Mike Patton, Beethoven, Fantomas, Mr. Bungle, Primus, Bjork, Dying Fetus, Cake, Saint-saens, King Missle, 16 Horsepower, Sigur Ros, Radiohead, Tribalistas, Melvins, Shellac, Tool, U2, Ween, Beck, John Cage, Talking Heads, David Byrne, Brian Eno, David Eugene Edwards, Iron &Wine, A Silver Mt. Zion, Ween, The Arcade Fire, Subtle, Joanna Newsom


Pirates of the Carribean, Arizona Dream, Mystery Train, Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love, 12 Monkeys, Fight Club, Before Sunset (Before Sunrise is pretty good too), The Saddest Music in the World,


Will and Grace, Six Feet Under, Carnivale


Tropic of Cancer, (Henry Miller), Primate's Memoir, Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers (both by Sapolsky); dorky Eric Franklin psychoneuromuscular books; Anais Nin; Jack Kerouac (even though he was kind of a misogynist bastard); Monkey Wrench Gang (Edward Abbey); Neal Stephenson: Zodiac is my fovorite and I also loved Snow Crash and The Diamond Age; Tom Robbins; Kurt Vonnegut; Jeanette Winterson


Merce Cunningham, Anais Nin, and many of my friends.

My Blog

This blog post is not about you

This blog post is not about you. It is about your best-friend's sister's cousin's band's drummer. Perhaps it is about your mom, but it's not about you. I don't write blog posts to passively communicat...
Posted by Bethany on Sun, 18 May 2008 09:41:00 PST


Like Pavlov's dog, she still jumps, whimpers, and barks whenever she hears the phone ring. She expects that he is coming to pick her up. She expects this after nearly 3 weeks since his disappearance. ...
Posted by Bethany on Mon, 05 May 2008 08:49:00 PST

Potential energy

  See the problem is when potential energy is created, it gets stored somewhere. I now have ounces and ounces of intimacy and tenderness just floating around in my bloodstream. All kinds of mole...
Posted by Bethany on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 11:23:00 PST

There is nothing that feels more isolating than..

You end up stuck at someone’s house who you adore, but need space from right now because you are suddenly violently ill with food poisoning. Because of the need for space, your strange feelings ...
Posted by Bethany on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:01:00 PST


I get it. I take things too fast, find an idea and run with it. I wrap my hands and heart around someone all too quickly and make them feel pushed and skittish. I find some idea, some lover, some drea...
Posted by Bethany on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 09:37:00 PST

One of those days....

In spite of a good night's sleep involving first-rate snuggling, it is the kind where your car breaks down at the toll plaza of the bay bridge and assholes with their fancy cars and starbucks lattes r...
Posted by Bethany on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 05:08:00 PST

Review of a song

There is something particularly hideous about bad song lyrics, especially when the lyrics don't match the accompaniment. I mean, there could be a song that starts out sounding really cool, *fat beats*...
Posted by Bethany on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 07:40:00 PST

Covered with a patina of competence

One of my biggest annoyances with other human beings is in regards to the type of person who enters a room that is not lit up all the way and turns all the lights on without asking the opinion of the ...
Posted by Bethany on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 10:15:00 PST

fuck pride, here’s honesty

Wreckless sleep, ploughing headlong into your demons makes for restless sleep. Sometimes the destruction that occurs before sleep causes the shadows to come out, perhaps this is why you want to indulg...
Posted by Bethany on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 06:59:00 PST

If you have back pain...

Try strengthening your triceps. I learned a new hang in trapeze, the armpit hang. You lace your arms over the bar and hang from your armpits by clamping down with your triceps. I am usually relatively...
Posted by Bethany on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 06:48:00 PST