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Illustrators & artist who think outside the usual & love to show off.
Comic, Graffix, Surreal, Porno, Abstract, Grimmy... wot evah.
Come, ca talk to me, di I nuh fe shy!
If you even think about using any negative profanities towards me or about others...
Please just PEACE OFF!!!
I Edited My Profile at Code-Myspace.Net
Hip Hop to Classical, Dub to Country, Doo-wop to Pop
Akira, Deep Cover, Goodfellas, Forbidden Planet, Memento, Blade Runner, Drunken Master, Planet of the Apes, Do the right thing, Angels with dirty faces, Batman begins, Commando, The Matrix, The Thing, Gladiator, Raiders of the lost ark, Safety First, Valley of the Gwangi, The man with two brains, Twin Towns.
That is my current top 20!
Deep Space nine, (Captain Benjamin L Sisko)
Ten speed and brown shoes, Roots, Soap, Monkey, Anything with David Attenborough, Moonlighting,The office, Scrubs, Arrested development, Lost, Futurama.... (BENDER)
Watchmen, V for Vendetta, Akira, Domu, Elektra Assassin/Lives again, The Mask, The Killing Joke, Ronin, Rip in Time, White Trash, Little Miss Ego, click, Butterscotch, Dark knight rRurns, Batman year one, Hard Boiled, Slaine the king/Horned god, Sin City/That Yellow Bastard, The Pro, Camalot 3000, Give me Liberty, Kingdom Come, Marshel Law: Fear & Loathing, Tank Girl, Vamps, Judgment on Gotham, A-1, Judge dredd: Judge Child/ The day the Law died/ The Cursed Earth..., ABC Warriors..., Nemessis the warlock..., 2000ad..., Blam..., Crisis..., Toxic..., The Chrysalids, Planet of the Apes, James and the giant peach, Chuck D fight the power!!!
Do unto other as you would have them do unto you. (Bible)
Listen and the teacher will appear. (unknown)
If you cant laugh about it, don't do it. (me)
Persistence over comes resistance. (unknown)
Power without perceptionis spiritually useless and therefor of no true value.
("Fist of the Northstar" Manga film)
Put it back where you found it. (Dad)
I am the greatest (Muhammad Ali)
Even when you know, you never know. (Let it ride. film)
Way. (my brother)
If they want a banana, give them a banana! (x work colleague)
Never be afraid to be eccentric, Because what is seen as normal now,
was once eccentric. (Bertrand Russell)
Whatever floats your boat... (unknown)
You only keep the things you got by givng them away. (unknown)
Hate consumes the hater & not the hated. (unknown)
Eat shit & die! (unknown)
Those who feel it, know it... (Bob Marley)
To air is human... To forgive is divine (can't rmbr)
You, me. (Muhammad Ali)
Bite my shiney metal ass (Bender)
Regroup Reset Restart!!! (MarxB)
We might not be that literate but we's audio visual like a motherf*cker. (Richard Pryor)
39yrs of marriage
Muhammad Ali
The Man!!!
Richard Pryor
R.I.P Brother
Bristol's finest MC
Julian Curry
Formaly known as n*gg*rs
Mike living the dream. Aint he pretty!!!