...new features, site design, etc...
I am currently making some drastic changes to the site. And that includes mp3 uploads for musicians.As a registered user, you will be able to upload songs to the site. And these songs will be attached to your profile. You will be able to post shows in the events section too, etc, etc, etc... But your events will be attached to your profile as well; Including photos, blogs, and videos.
"So what", you say?!
Well, the site will be specifically for the state of Hawaii. And it will feature Hawaii artists, clubs, and everything related. So stay tuned!!! Because I finally have the time, to make this happen. Fingers crossed!!!
This service may also be provided to you, so that you won't need to bother. But I haven't worked out all of the details yet. There is still some fine tuning to work out.
...take a test drive below...
HINT* Click 'auto & shuffle' after playing to listen to all songs in that category!!!
Click here for the actual page!!! And to find out where to purchase this kick-ass music!!!
Island Music and Entertainment
I am finishing up a couple of other projects for some other people. And then I will be able to spend the time needed to finish the site completely. But discussion has already begun about future events, and site promotions.
Create a profile!!!
Cool! New features:- Profiles that can be used for individuals or groups (ie bands, artists, etc...)Private Messaging between usersBlogs and Forums that can be added to by contributing authors Event Calendar for users integrated with added features for bands and venues Networking between users for friends, co-workers, relationshipsBrowser Upload of images to your own Gallery