About Me
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HotFreeLayoutsI have been married for 13 years now, and with my husband for 16 years. We have been through good and bad times, but I wouldn't change a thing about us. He is my other half, my soul mate. We have 1 son, Ethan, the light of my life. There isn't a day that goes by that Ethan doesn't put a smile on my face. He is a very active 7 year old, that loves video games, football, and all the normal stuff.We have been foster parents in the past and are currently getting our lic. in the state of TN. I put the video to Broken on this site because when I left WV and came down here, I had to give up 4 little children. I waited over a year in WV for the courts to terminate the rights to the bio mom, but they didn't. Now I am not saying that the courts shouldn't of term. the rights to mom, but the judge over seeing the case screwed himself when he didn't term rights when bio mom went to prison for 2 yrs. It is a long story but you can imagine the pain I feel in the lost of my 4 little angels. When I heard the song Broken, it made me feel like I couldn't give up.I know that those 4 angels will always be in my heart, and I will love them forever. But I have to go on, with the knowing of how much I helped them.*****UPDATE****May of this year, I got a phone call, about my four little angels, and to make a very long story short.... Bio mom went back to prison for yet again more drugs. Anyway... they have come home. My four little babys are finally home again and this time forever. By spring the adoption process will be done, and our family will never have to worry about them leaving again.
It has been a long summer getting all of the paper work together and finally getting them down here. We are still fighting with case workers to get everything set up, but as long as they are here and happy, that is all that matters to me. I know that other people look at our group as omg what were they thinking but I dont care. These little babys deserve so much more, and we are going to give it to them.So now let me tellb you about them....
Destiny is the oldest of the 4, she is turning 7 in sept. She loves games, movies, school, and just about everything. She is also the troubled child, I guess being the oldest she remembers more of what happened when she was younger. So she can be a very large hand full....lol
Ashanta is turning 5 in Nov. She has just started headstart last week, and so far she likes it. She is a very loveable little girl, that at the moment doesnt like when I leave her side. She loves games, books, coloring, and pretty much anything that is for dress up...lol
Shi is next, she is one of the twins, that is 3 1/2 years old. She has also started Headstart last week, and loves it. Shi earns her name, she is really shy until she knows you and then talks none stop..lol
And last but not least Anthony, the other twin, is 3 1/2 years old also. He has also started Head start last week, and doesnt seem as sure of it as the other 2. He is very independant, so I am sure that with in no time he will be loving school too. Anthony loves to work on things with his tools, and loves to go to football practice with Ethan and Daddy.I also have a grand child on the way, it is due on Feb. 26, 2008 but hopefully it will wait for the 27th so we can share a birthday. I would of never thought that I would be a grandma at 33-34 but hey what can you do. Yes I am sure that you are doing the math, but I have a almost 20year old child that I got when he was 16 and I got his girlfriend when she was 17. So those 2 are as much my kids and any of the others.