Music, cooking, tattoos, Foreign culture and foreign beer and dining, reading, getting outdoors every once in awhile and enjoying nature, shooting firearms, martial arts, clothes and shopping for them, video games, swimming, thunderstorms, dreams and interpretation, psychology, forensic science, psycho kinetics, theology, philosophy and lots of other things.
Local musicians, national musicians, people I share common interests with, people I don't share common interests with. Generally, people from all walks of life. I am forever the student and always in search of knowledge.
I like many types of music. I do not discount a genre because it's a certain genre. A good song is a good song regardless of such. Many of my favorite artists are:
Type O Negative, Fear Factory, Coal Chamber, Stabbing Westward, Devildriver, In Flames, Danzig, Misfits, System of a Down, The Toadies, Smashing Pumpkins, Strapping Young Lad, Radiohead, Static-X, The Cars, Credence Clearwater Revival, The Beatles, Lots of random 60's 70's tunes, Mamas and the Papas, The Offspring, Cold, Rammstein, Megaherz, Tonic, Our Lady Peace, Johnny Cash, Arch Enemy, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Classical music: I particularly favor "Moonlight Sonata" by Ludwig Van Beethoven, "The overture of 1812" by Tchaikovsky, and quite a bit of Chopin and Bach. Of course I'm sure there are many, many more.
I mostly enjoy psychological thrillers. Some of my favorite flicks are:
The Crow, A clockwork orange, 1984, American Beauty, The Butterfly Effect, Blow, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Midnight Express, Gladiator, Troy, One flew over the cuckoo's nest, The Shining, Red VS Blue, Zeitgeist, Biodome, Eurotrip, The Matrix, Dark City, The Fountain, Easy Rider, The Lord of the Rings movies, Sin City, V for Vendetta, Many Clint Eastwood flicks: especially the "Dirty Harry" movies and the westerns: Pale
Rider, Unforgiven, High Plains Drifter. Tombstone, Powder, 1408, The Green Mile, Falling Down, American Psycho, Die Hard, Hostage, Lucky number Slevin and just too many more to mention.
Mostly I watch CSI and some CSI Miami. I also like mythbusters and Fight Quest or Human Weapon because of the martial arts content. On that note as well I like UFC from time to time. Highlander the series reruns, Dexter the series on Showtime as well as Californication with David Duchovny. Penn and Teller's Bullshit, a Tiger's or Red Wing's game if it's on, Heroes I like as well but there really isn't much I drop everything for besides Dexter.
Norse, Greek and Roman mythology, pretty much mythology of all national pantheons over the world, including Egypt, Japan, India, etc. I like some poetry: Keats, Elliot, Frost, Voltaire, Poe, Shakespeare. Of course some of those also apply to plays and stories that I also enjoy. Many of the movies I've listed are based off of books that I really love, like 1984 by George Orwell. Hunter S. Thompson's works are amazing and fun to read, and I also am a "Tower Junkie" thanks to Stephen King. Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 us solid as is Aldous Huxley's Brave new world. J.R.R. Tolkien's works. H.P. Lovecraft, a little bit of F. Scott Fitzgerald and John Steinbeck... yeah there are just way too many to mention. Just come over when I get my library finished and we'll start from there.
My heroes are more or less my parents. My father is a Leukemia survivor and my Mother raised me through much of his absence so I love them both to death and admire them greatly. Other than that, anyone who has dared to live a dream and had the courage to give up everything to achieve it, even with the naysayers hounding there already tormented conscience. Yup, go underdogs.