want things
like a candle-
flame, flickering,
shifting. You, on the
other hand, want like
a forest fire... I should
warn you, getting
what you want
and being
are two quite different things.â€
- Desire
“What I’ve Tasted of Desireâ€
Endless Nights by Neil Gaiman
What sort of Nightmare are you?
Unsuspecting Nightmare
Take this quiz !
*** I like pretty exploding things ***
I love the sunset.
I love the sunrise too...but I see more sunsets...
I will have to assume that I had a childhood, but I cannot assume to have had the one I remember. (Sexing the Cherry, Jeanette Winterson)
The Hindu cosmos is infinite. Nothingness is what the world came from, and to achieve nothingness again is the ultimate goal of mankind. In one story, Death tells a disciple about the soul: Concealed in the heart of all beings is the Atman, the Spirit, the Self, he says. Smaller than the smallest atom, greater than the vast spaces. When a person dies the Atman is released from the body and soon enters another being; the soul transmigrates and the person is reincarnated. The goal of the Hindu is to free the Atman entirely from the cycle of rebirth, to stop wandering from death to death. (Zero: the Biography of a Dangerous Idea, Charles Seife).
Which Jhonen Vaquez character are you? By EmReznor .