In my site I write about these ambitions:
Hold £1,000,000 in my bank account ($2.05M)
Add 1,000,000 sites to - needs attention!
My life and general moans
My Story: Only a few years ago I was sat around on my arse doing sweet FA. I went to University but was far too busy having a good time and completely forgot to do any studying. Sadly this didn't impress the blue chip companies I was expecting to work for so I had make do with crappy jobs. In no time I'd had enough and started my own companies. I am now on my third which runs itself! This is fortunate as since being appointed a director of World Dating Partners I spend all my time researching the online dating industry and helping others build their own profitable internet dating businesses
I am still a lazy git, just a more successful one! I work from the comfort of my own home at least once or twice a week. If I am feeling energetic I will get out of my dressing gown, shower and go downstairs to make a cup of tea. Sometimes I might stand in the garden and tut about the bad weather.
The only annoying thing for me is that I did not discover this sooner. You'd be surprised how easy it is to make money on-line with a little know how. If you've customised your own myspace profile you have more than enough of the technical know how, you just need to learn a few tricks!
As a brief experimentation in my earlier myspace days I was a bit of a whore! A myspace whore. As much as I hate it it is true, to find out exactly what one is do your research! From time to time i might still end up posting a bunch of seemingly random bulletins... like it or lump it!
WHORE ME! I am no longer actively pimping myself but I am not going to complain if someone else wishes to do it for me!
Want more friends? Click the button below to whore me. Message me once its posted and I will then request all my friends add you. Simple!
If the button does not work, copy and paste the code below to a bulletin.
Let me be your bitch.....
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I can show you how to make $$$$$$'s! My Blog: featured on
Making Money: Want to know how to start raking in some cash? Create an adult personals site - its really really easy and you barely have to spend a penny! Visit for step by step guides on how to do this
Not convinced? Check out the following sites I set up in last 2 years and their earnings:
Site 1 - £62,000 / $125,000 (next 12 months expected to be at least £45,000 / $91,000) &
Site 2 - £25,000 / $51,000 (only a few months old, next 12 months expected £60,000 / $123,000)