Life. Death. Love. Hate. Hope. Hopelessness. Courage. Fear. Challenges. Talent. Faith. Faithlessness. Music. Noise. Nature. Culture. Intelligence. Chances.testtest
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I listen to music for lyrics. The worst song with insightful words could easily become my favorite. There's something about a band's creativity that screams an unforgetable message through each creation that they release into the airwaves. Bands are lifechanging. They have the power to bring the strongest person to their knees and stop the most depressed person from ending their life with one strum of a guitar, one beat of the drum, one word of wisdom. If what you put into your song is meaningful, even if it's just to one person, you've just created something priceless. A work of art. Music.
Anderson Cooper changes the world one day at a time.
Books, like music, can change the world the way you know it. Crank is definitely life changing in a subtle way.
My grandparents.
My best friend, Danielle.
- I love you so much! You're beautiful and amazing - the best friend anyone could ever wish for. ♥
Peanut- You're still a dork, but you keep a smile on my face ♥
Butter- You make life so much better. I lub you lots.
Other important people include (but are not limited to):
♥ Sades
♥ Michael
♥ Steph
♥ Selkie
♥ Janis
And it continues with...