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About Me

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Hello there! I was born 30 years ago in Milan - precisely in a suburb called Garbagnate – and Milano is where, so far, I spent most of my life. I first got in touch with the hip-hop culture in the beginning of the 90s. Before I mostly listened to rock music, until, one day, I bought a record by Red Hot Chili Peppers, it was one of their first LPs (Freakey Styley), produced by George Clinton, EMI 1985. Then I got deep into the funky tunes by the Parliament, by Funkadelic (Free Your Mind .....) and so on, IYKWIM. In the meanwhile I was studying in Arese, attending an art-oriented high school, where, in 1994, my classmate TK (Tipo Kilo) and I formed a band called Guappi in Aroma (TK, Bolla, Chiummo and Pezzo. On that same first year we took part in a national contest called Emergency Rock. Among thousands of bands and being the only ones performing rap, we climbed all the way up to the second position and got therefore selected for the semi-finals gig - held at the Rolling Stone club in Milan - as well as for the final, which took place in the huge Palatrussardi theatre. In 1995 we all went to Reggio Emilia in order to attend the Lordz of Brooklyn's concert. Not only it was amazing, but we also became friends with them and the next day they came and visit us in Milan. We ate together, together we prayed in the Duomo and, the following year, we got together again - this time in Brooklyn - where we recorded our first demo as they lent their talents to a track that we named Once Upon a Time in America. When we came back to Italy - maybe because of our young age, or, eventually, it was just fate - we split up and it all went to shit… To me it turned out in a big trauma and, making things worse, in those very same days I suffered a tragic loss: the sudden death of a close friend (killed either by depression or by the Mafia, we never could tell). Nothing mattered anymore at that point, my girlfriend, my friends, not even my parents: it was just me and my voice. But then, one night, in a club called The Bataclan, I met a woman that, in the blink of an eye, would have become my wife and the mother of my child - and I named him after that friend of mine whose life got stolen at the age of 19. Dj Enzo and I became closer. He was going through rough times quite as much as I was and with him I recorded my first actual song - Guappi MC – hence included in the anthology Tutti Per Uno. After that, another compliation: Mondi Paralleli, to which I contributed with two more feat.: Lasciate Stare Dj Enzo and Friends. The new Millenium brought a new joint venture: together with Frankie 0 Pazz I wrote USW, a song about peace and universal love that became part of the compilation Cyber Funk. But the role of “featured artist” begun to feel too tight for me and, as soon as I realized it, I briskly equipped myself with plates, computer, samplers, synt, bass, guitar: that’s when my research could properly start and my sound embarked on a moulding process towards a shape to be its original own. Time went by and, along with job, family, commitments, I got the BeatStreetloverz going, with the positive resolution to only team up with those friends that struggled with me as we were rising from our lower ranks - my son was paying the price of dad’s lack of attention. I’m well aware of the long path that’s still winding ahead of me before I’ll succeed of making a living off hip-hop music alone. Many are helping out, though, which brings a warm feeling of happiness to my heart. I would like to thank Stefano Quaglia and The Family Group (the guys that produced an exhilarating chips commercial starring Rocco Siffredi) for their great deal of help lent to the realization of my video clip Gloria e Grana, in fact for making it possible. Much credit must also go to Frankie, for all his work and precious support. And to all of you bye for now but heads up people: new music is being recorded as we speak and it ain’t house: it’s hip-hop!!!!Innanzitutto ciao, Sono nato 30 anni fa a Milano ed ho vissuto gran parte della mia vita nella periferia Milanese , Garbagnate per l'esattezza. Mi sono avvicinato al movimento hip-hop nei primi anni 90; prima ascoltavo rock, finchè un giorno comprai uno dei primi dischi dei Red Hot (Freakey Styley) prodotto da George Clinton, EMI 1985. Mi appassionai al funk dei Parliament, dei Funkadelic (Free Your Mind .....) e chi lo sa lo sa. A scuola frequentavo il liceo artistico di Arese dove, insieme al mio compagno di banco TK (Tipo Kilo), fondammo nel 1994 i Guappi in Aroma.1994 (TK, Bolla, Chiummo, Pezzo). Quell' anno partecipammo ad una manifestazione musicale (Emergenza Rock) e, tra mille gruppi rock, noi eravamo gli unici a fare il rap. Ci posizionammo secondi con semifinale al Rolling Stone e finale al Palatrussardi. Nel ‘95 andammo a Reggio Emilia a vedere i Lordz of Brooklyn in concerto - fu bellissimo - diventammo amici e il giorno dopo vennero a Milano a trovarci. Abbiamo mangiato insieme, abbiamo pregato al Duomo insieme e l'anno dopo siamo andati da loro a Brooklyn a registrare il nostro primo demo - facemmo pure un pezzo insieme (Once Upon a Time in America). Quando tornammo in Italia - forse per la giovane età, forse per il destino - comunque ci sciogliemmo e tutto andò a putta.. Per me fu un grosso trauma e a peggiorare le cose ci pensò uno spiacevole evento: la morte di un caro amico (ucciso dalla depressione o dalla mafia, non si e mai capito). Così mollai tutto - fidanzata, amici, genitori - eravamo solo io e la mia voce. Ma una sera al Bataclan conobbi mia moglie che subito dopo mi diede un figlio e lo chiamai con il nome del mio amico strappato alla vita a soli 19 anni. Consolidai l'amicizia con dj Enzo che in quel periodo non se la passava tanto meglio di me e con lui registrai il mio primo pezzo ufficiale su Tutti Per Uno con la track Guappi MC. Poi venne il momento di Mondi Paralleli ed anche lì comparvi con 2 feat: Lasciate Stare Dj Enzo e Friends. Il nuovo Millennio portò con sé una nuova collaborazione: quella con Frankie 0 Pazz, dalla quale nacque USW, un pezzo sulla pace e sull'amore universale che finì nella raccolta Cyber Funk. Stanco di fare solamente collaborazioni mi armai di piatti, computer, campionatori, synt, basso, chitarra ed iniziai a sperimentare, a creare il mio suono. Il tempo passava e - tra il lavoro, la famiglia, gli altri impegni - iniziai a lavorare a BeatStreetLoverz, collaborando soltanto con gli amici che mi sono creato in questi anni di gavetta e sacrifici e di tempo che ho tolto a mio figlio. So che la strada da affrontare e ancora lunga per coronare il mio sogno: campare con l'hip hop. Però c'è un sacco di gente che mi sta dando una mano e questo mi fa felice. Ringrazio di cuore Stefano Quaglia e The Family Group (sono quelli che hanno fatto la pubblicità delle patatine con Rocco Siffredi) per avermi prodotto il video di Gloria e Grana . E Frankie per la collaborazione e il prezioso supporto. Vi saluto e state allerta perchè sto registrando roba nuova e non è house: è hip-hop!!!! I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 a I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 a I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 a I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
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Member Since: 7/12/2006
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Check out this video: Gloria e grana (video the family prod.)

Posted By:BollaGeeGet this video and more at
Posted by BollaGee on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 04:06:00 PST