Get to Know Me
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color
Height 5'8
Favorite Color
free image hosting
Screen Name Lemondrop28
Favorite Band
Favorite Movie
Favorite TV Show Rob & Big
Your Car Truck
Your Hometown
Your Present Town~*MiLe*HiGh*CiTy*~
Your Crush's First Name Nelson
Your Grade 3rd
Your Style
...Have You Ever...
Sat on your rooftop no
Kissed someone in the rain yes
Danced in a public place yes
Smiled for no reason yes
Laughed so hard you cried yes
Peed your pants after age 8 lolol.....yEp
Written a song yes
Sang to someone for no reason yes
Performed on a stage yes&spoke
Talked to someone you don't know yes..all the
Made out in a theater
Gone roller skating since 8th grade yes
Been in love
...Can You...
Write with both hands yes
Whistle yes
Blow a bubble yes
Roll your tongue no but it looks SEXY
Cross your eyes lol....yes
Touch your tongue to your nose HeLL NAAA
Dance yes
Speak a different language no
Impersonate someone yes
Cook anything yes
...Finish The Line...
If I were a ...
I wish ... A MuThAfUcKa WoUlD
So many people don't know ... my NationalityApache Indian &African American
I am ...Myspace Graphics
My heart is ... sweetier than icetea on a hott sunny day
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